
Monday, December 20, 2021

Don't say you weren't warned

I'm going to be taking some time off for Christmas and New Year's starting Saturday, 25 December and coming back on Monday, 3 January 2022. 
I've got places to go, people to see and shit to do, and the last thing I want or need is to spend hours online posting and/or looking for things to post, and moderating comments. Matter of fact, I'll probably turn the comments off  Sunday night sometime just to keep me from feeling like I need to log in for any reason. 
 Back in July, I took a week off for the 4th and my birthday and it felt so good that when one of y'all suggested I do it twice a year, I thought, "You know what? That sounds like a damned good idea", so you can blame whoever it was that brought that up.


  1. Every win by a conservative will be branded as a Coup in the media.

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy your time with family and friends.

  3. I hope you enjoy your time as much as I enjoy your blog.. Okay, you can enjoy your time more. Thanks for what you do.

  4. Have a good one, dude! I think I'll do the same thing.

  5. You know what? That sounds like a good idea. We'll survive.

    We've lost a few good websites this year. No point in burning yourself out.

    Have yourself a little break once in a while. You've earned it.

  6. I am going to take it like a grownup, too. Sometimes, though, I do think it would be great to get a brain chip that lets us interact with our friends online at whim, without having to go through the whole internet rigamarole. THAT, I feel, would be the upside to all this goddam tech garbage... set us free from devices and actually enhance our existence... give us back our native telepathy... sort of... if it were unhackable and completely under users' control.

    A girl can dream. Merry jolly ho ho ho.

  7. Turn the comments off WC, we'll be Jonesing but you deserve a good break. Thanks for all you do and I hope you and yours have a great Christmas holiday.

  8. We'll miss you, but you deserve the break! MERRY CHRISTMASS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR1

  9. Good for you, Merry Christmas!

  10. Mery Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy time with your family! Nemo

  11. Thanks for all you do, WC. Too much of a good thing is always a bad idea.

    Places to go? Go armed, and with caution. People to see? Try not to lose your temper with any relatives or 'Covidiots'. Shit to do? Try to do something fun.

    Above all, have a Merry Christmas and a good laugh about this past year and what's coming. You're gonna need it.

  12. Enjoy your break and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  13. Merry Christmas! Enjoy your time off.

  14. A man needs time to tend to important shit or to just fuck off as he sees fit. Nobody can fault him for that, enjoy your time

  15. All the best to you and your family; Thanks Very Much for what you do, enjoy the holidays and we'll see you on the flip side!

  16. Get some rest, maybe it will be better next year? We can hope, lmao!

  17. Have a good Christmas, Ken. Hope you and Miss Lisa enjoy your down time.
    We appreciate all that you do for us.
    So you on the other side.
    Be well.

    Whitehall, NY

  18. Merry Christmas Kenny. You deserve a break, enjoy it and thank you.

  19. Thanks for the heads up, Ken. I'm sure most of us will be doing thinks next week that'll keep us occupied. Merry Christmas to you and Lisa. Enjoy your family visits.

  20. If anyone has earned some time off, I think a guy that spends this much time in "retirement" giving me something to laugh at or sometimes something to think about...
    Take longer if you feel like it, it's not like you have not earned it!
    Enjoy some very well-earned time off.
    And a very Merry Christmas from me and mine to you and yours.
    -Just A Chemist

  21. But but but but but...what about me? Merry Christmas WC. See you next year!

  22. Merry Christmas! Enjoy. You will be missed.

  23. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, God bless you and yours, enjoy!!!

  24. May I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a great new year Ken. Enjoy your break and thanks for your efforts, it makes my day every day.
    Cheers Bob.

  25. Have a Merry Christmas and a good New Year, glad it seems you will be spending it with family ad\or friends. I will save reading some of your posts to fill in the gaps.

  26. Merry Christmas, enjoy the rest!

  27. You, Miss Lisa and the Dog have a great Christmas break!

  28. Merry Christmas, mother fucker!

  29. When I was working, I always took that week off. Visit family if I wanted to, and just laid around otherwise.

    Have a Merry Christmas, and fulfilling week, and a Happy New year's Eve.

    Oh, and fit some Kwanzaa shit in there, too.

  30. when I take a week off I had to try to get that weeks worth of work done 2 days before I took time off.

  31. I get to spend the 24th -the 27th in quarantine. I am having the top half of my ear removed. I
    had a spot the size of a nickel removed from the top, last january, due to a skin cancer. He thought he got it all, but the pathology report said that there was a little on the margin. So we said that we would come back after it, when it got bigger.
    He didn't expect it to grow this big, this fast. So he said that he was going to take a much bigger piece of my ear this time. I told him, it was ok, I don't chase hot chicks as often as I used to, so a half ear on one side won't be as much of a problem. Besides, now I have more of an excuse to not hear my wife, when she calls me.
    Wirecutter, you enjoy your short time away, and if you need a few days anytime, just say so, and take them. If your blog becomes a job, it will take what joy you get out of it, and that is no way to live your retirement.

  32. Dittos to the above, Kenny, Merry Christmas, please enjoy your break and feel free to take as many breaks as you need.

  33. All Blog and no play makes Kenny a dull boy (I apologize for bastardizing an old adage).
    That the time you need, give Miss Lisa an extra slap on the butt,give the asshole Jack an extra treat, and enjoy the time; we'll all be here when you get back.

  34. Merry Christmas from central PA. Rest up!

  35. Thank you for all you do for us. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!

  36. Good for you. Enjoy your time with your family and thanks for all you do. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  37. Dammit Kenny! Now what am I gonna do with my free time? Clean the garage, work on that 80% ar-10, or (gasp!) spend more time with the misses? See what u caused WC!!!! LOL. Just kidding. Have a merry Christmas and happy new year and catch ya on the flip side! Everyone watch your six!

  38. Merry Christmas to Miss Lisa and yourself, sir.
    Thanks for the year-round Xmas present you give us with this site.

  39. Merry Christmas,And a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and yours.
    Thank You for all you do.



    1. Anything that pisses off little Miss Thunberg has to be good!
      Go for a ride in your 'new' F-150 just for her, would you WC?

  41. A Merry Christmas and peaceful New Year to both Miss Lisa and you.

  42. Merry Christmas Mr. Lane and thanks for another year of entertainment!

  43. Enjoy your time off. But not too much (ha ha).

    Actually, some of the blogs I have followed more or less for years just disappeared after a week or two of digital detox by the authors. Can't say it is unexpected. I was a computer geek for dozens of years and after I walked away from that, I could never bring myself back up to that level of participation.

    Have a great time. Stop and smell the proverbial roses.

  44. Enjoy the holidays with loved ones. A VERY Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and your family.

  45. Better get my Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in now. Have a great time off and do turn off comments just so they aren’t building up.

  46. Merry Christmas to You, Miss Lisa, and that asshole Jack!See ya next year.

  47. Kenny, enjoy the slack time. We'll just give Phil a hard time instead over at his blog.

  48. Have a good one!

  49. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Kenny.
    God Bless you and your's

  50. You deserve some time off, Kenny. Merry Christmas to you, the missus and that asshole dog of yours.


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