
Friday, December 03, 2021

Florida cops: "We don't go for that shit around here"

When Quinton Joiner stabbed a CTA worker in the neck on a Loop train platform in August, all of the corporate news outlets ran stories. But only CWBChicago followed the case to report that prosecutors only charged Joiner with a misdemeanor and then settled the case less than a month later with a sentence of probation.

On October 16, we exclusively reported that Joiner, still on probation for the CTA stabbing, was arrested again after she walked into a wedding ceremony in Millennium Park and allegedly brandished a knife to steal a woman’s purse.

Once again, she was only charged with misdemeanors. Joiner walked out of the local police station on her own recognizance less than seven hours later.

Within days of her release from CPD custody, Joiner, 37, traveled to a suburb of Tampa, Florida, where she allegedly stabbed two strangers and threatened a third in two separate incidents this month.

Cops arrested her and Florida prosecutors, unlike their Cook County counterparts, charged Joiner with three felonies. A judge ordered her held in lieu of $32,000. She’s still in the Hillsborough County Jail.

Here’s what happened.


  1. She doesn't need prison, she needs to be put in a mental institution. Why she hasn't been is the problem.

    1. She needs to be put in a pine box six feet underground...

    2. My wallet is empty, my bank account is drained.
      I cannot afford us$70,000 annually to house/feed a nincompoop.
      The gavel drops, the gallows is a few short steps away.
      An aside:
      Based on all the evidence, it appears the job of LawEnforcementOfficials is protecting criminals.

  2. "Crazy" and "Criminal" mean different things depending on the race of the perpetrator and the politics of the Prosecutor. This one is going to be a danger to others, all of her life, but it would be so "unfair" to lock her away so she couldn't get a knife and maim others. {S/}

    Some people just ain't right and ignoring that will bring harm and terror to the innocent.

    Prison doesn't "cure" anything but it is an effective "quarantine" to protect others. Many deranged people "age-out" of their "disorder" and are usually less of a threat to others when they are released after several decades. Protection of the innocent must take priority over "kindness" or concern for the perpetrator. They are all, "just turning their lives around".

    1. we have a winner. one who see's through the bullshit.
      *Prison doesn't "cure" anything but it is an effective "quarantine" to protect others* (Removal from society IS the punishment)
      And the removal of privileges IN prison are because dumbfuck prisoners did stupid shit and got "collective punishment" and all those privileges removed.
      and l do love when stories come up and all the closet queers come out with their "ooh he's gunna get anal raped by bubba" fantasies, dreams and wishes.

  3. The state of Florida will be =happy to provide her with plenty of opportunity to "age out".

  4. The state of Florida will be =happy to provide her with plenty of opportunity to "age out".

  5. It looks as if Florida won't fall for the 'Red Knife' defense.
    Has this person already been declared a white supremacist by Crazy Joe?

  6. Lock them up.. I'll bet she was surprised by the different response by
    Law Enforcement. Prison won't change her heart, but it might teach her to Not Do That, even though you want to. I'd expect her to move back to leftyville.

  7. This society of ours has gone off the trolly so far it's likely not to get returned anytime soon. What will get it turned around post haste would be the return to western justice and a real hefty dose of good ole neck stretchery.
    There, that'll lean em!


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