
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Hey, being forced to listen to rap will do that to a man

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Gregory Livingston has been indicted by a grand jury with first-degree murder in the killing of a Chicago man over loud music at an East Memphis Kroger.


  1. I can almost guarantee it was that sub woofer bass shit. I love all kinds of music but when I can hear and feel your jungle thumping shit from 1/2 a mile away. There’s a problem. Now it’s not just the sub woofer bass fad, now its the loud muffler crap. I’m assuming the size of one’s penis is determined by how loud the bass or muffler is. I’m guessing a lot of really small dicks out there.

  2. I thought out-of-towners were always fair game. So law enforcement these days is random and no longer selective?

  3. Not a lot of useful information in the write-ups, unsurprisingly. You're likely correct that it was rap "music". While killing the guy was probably excessive, I can certainly sympathize. I HATE being forced to listen to other peoples music. The degree of disrespect and lack of consideration from people who feel entitled to rattle their neighbors' windows with their musical choices merits *some* kind of retaliation. Had the noisemaker just turned his stereo off, he'd likely be alive today.

    Incivility is a symptom of a dying society.

    1. Chicongo boy was just made an example to others. It needs to be done occasionally.

  4. When buying and listening to some new music, the first thing one does is throw away the (w)rapper......

    Tim in AK

  5. If it's load enough to cause hearing damage, there's a problem. That's assault with intent to cause bodily harm, if you want to read it that way.

    And especially if my kids are being subjected to that, we've got a serious problem.

    The problem is proving it - maybe there's a decibel meter app for android? I'm gonna go check...

    1. Deaf by 23.
      I see this at the gym.
      Two or three youngsters three feet apart, shouting a normal conversation.
      And mis-understanding words.

  6. Loud unlistenable crap called "music"? Please, give me a break. Crimes against music-- REAL music -- should be dealt with harshly.


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