
Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Homeowner burns down house while trying to smoke out snake infestation

A Montgomery County home was accidentally burned to the ground by an owner trying to get rid of a snake infestation, officials said. 

The Poolesville homeowner was attempting to use smoke to purge the snakes from the house, according to Montgomery County Fire Department officials. In the process, the homeowner caught the house on fire, causing about $1 million in damage, The Washington Post reported.


  1. Dumb F**K! There are any number of EPA registered snake repellents on the market that work. Victor VP362 is one of the consumer available better ones, and works as well as the "professional" stuff and better than smoke. There are also "professional" formulations that in addition to naphtha and sulfur compounds add something else.

    The only thing that this homeowner could have done that was more stupid was to pull an Elmer Fudd and start shooting at the snakes (unless he was 2 miles from the nearest neighbor).

  2. We had a guy in town light up the outside wall of his house trying to smoke out a pesky skunk. Luckily the fire only damaged the siding and wall on the outside before we got it put out. Not sure whether the guy's homeowner insurance covered it.

  3. I got a call to bid on some home repairs. I get to the home and the first thing I notice is the strong smell of gasoline. The wife and kids are in the living room acting as if nothing is amiss. I told them to get out of the house. I walk into the kitchen to find the idiot man and a 5 gallon jerry can on the counter top and gas soaked rags laying about.

    Immediately I am opening windows and doors and yell at him to get out of the house. I grab the rags and push him out the front door. I threw the rags at his feet and in front of his family told him he is as stupid as he is lucky. I called the fire dept so maybe they could knock some sense into the idiot.

    Some people make stupid into a profession.

    1. Years ago in Garden City Kan. a guy burned down a house cleaning motorcycle parts with gasoline in his kitchen and the water heater was a few feet away with an open flame.

    2. greggBC is that the one where he sued Blitz and damn near put them out of business and the result is the fucked-up fuel cans we have now at a ridiculous price?

  4. My neighbor took his friend fishing. That guy shot holes in the bottom of the boat when he found a snake under a pile of burlap sacks. They were on the water when that happened.

  5. Lives in a million-plus dollar house, too stupid/cheap to get a professional to handle this.

  6. Moth balls will drive them out and keep them away. It's the primary ingredient in a lot of snake repellents.

    However, the one thing missing in all of the stories about this incident is the kind of snake infestation. Garter, black, bull snakes are harmless. Copperhead and rattlesnakes, on the other hand, justify the burning. Just sayin'.

  7. Are the snakes gone? Just Asking for a friend.


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