
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Medical Experts Gather in Gallatin to Share COVID-19 Findings That Federal Health Agencies Ignore

GALLATIN, Tennessee — Physicians, scientists, and frontline professionals gathered Saturday to discuss and analyze their findings regarding proper COVID-19 treatment and care, and they said these are findings that federal agencies either don’t report or don’t acknowledge. 


I find it funny they met in Gallatin. When this covid scare first started, Gallatin looked like a fucking ghost town. Businesses were closed, traffic was non-existent and Sumner County had a quarantine camp set up at the fairgrounds there.
Gallatin is the only place I've ever been hassled for not wearing a mask and not by shopkeepers, but by private citizens who thought it was perfectly acceptable to march up and scold me for it.


  1. I hope you politely told the "private citizens" to fuck off!

    1. Politely, yes.
      One guy, though, I asked if he was so worried about me spewing deadly germs, why was his fucking nose only 6 inches away from mine? He backed off in a hurry.

    2. That's when you give off a great big sneeze.
      And a fart just for shits and giggles.

      Since this bullshit started, I've been told that by not wearing a mask, I was killing people.
      It's been 2 years now, so how much longer will it take?

    3. "I've been told that by not wearing a mask, I was killing people."

      Yeah, but on the other hand, I'm not strangling them and leaving them in multiple dumpsters anymore!

  2. People who accost those not wearing a mask, are not fearful you'll get them sick.
    They are angry you are not COMPLYING.

    If they were truly scared, they'd stay 6ft or more away since it's aerosolized bits that transmit the v.

    On another note about proper testing - there is only ONE way to get LONG TERM STUDY results. Over a long period of time. The End. So no, these NOVEL Vs have not been properly tested.

    Ask any of the deformed babies from previous "wonder drugs" how important LONG TERM studies are...


    1. I have not taken the vaccine, nor will I ..... for a period of time. I was taught at the beginning of my career to not prescribe ANY medication which had not been out for at least 5 years. Too many have been recalled.

      So why didn't I take the vaccine when so many of my colleagues did?? Remind me again how long this vaccine has been out??

  3. "Why aren't you wearing a mask?"

    "Because I hit my Asinine Bullshit Limit sixteen months ago."


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