
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Commentary: January 6 Is Looking Like a ‘Fedsurrection’

Things are always worse than they seem. 
That seems to be a good rule of thumb these days. 
Take the FBI.


  1. "The agency should be scrapped and something new built to replace it.”

    Only if no one previously in federal government service were allowed to be employed in it. Scrap it and rebuild it without that condition, and the new ship would just fill up with the old rats.

    1. Agree. Take any corporation which files for Chapter 11. They go belly up, the new headshed guys sweep in, hire the same old guard in management slots, give ‘em new hats with the new logo and those old guys run the new owners into the ground again. This outfit needs to go away; perhaps not to be replaced either. There are more than enough agencies to do the Fibbie’s job. Hell, turn it over to the Unbelievably Stupid Postal Service (USPS). They’re not doing anything…..

  2. Disband and eliminate the entire department of Justice....

  3. it was done to push a story line. the only reason why those 3 clowns are not rotting away in a cell is because they where doing just what they where told to do. this is not the first time things like this have happen in this country. nor will it be the last either.
    think of some of the laws passed in the last 20plus years would have pass it things where the status quo ? no. something bad has to happen before they can change laws to change the way we live. think anyone would put up with the tsa before 9/11 ? they are a joke in itself.
    I went thru the bullshit a few years ago. and I flew a lot in the 1970-80's never again.
    giving those clowns power over people was a big mistake we stuck with until it gets trashed.
    but like all gov't programs it will live forever now.
    people addicted to power always want more, and they never willing give it up either.
    look at the old farts in congress. 80 years old and STILL THERE ? why ?

  4. Do the RICO statutes apply to the Government entities too?

    1. Nope. They're always pretty specific about stuff like that when they write laws.

  5. Could those 'federal criminals' be investigated by a county sheriff just as thoroughly?
    Step further...
    Why have a federal government?

  6. "The agency should be scrapped and something new built to replace it.”

    "The agency should be scrapped." Period and end of sentence.


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