
Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Oh, for fuck's sake, let it go already

(The Hill) – President Biden on Thursday warned of a winter of “severe illness and death” for unvaccinated Americans as coronavirus cases spike across the country. 

Biden, in a meeting with medical advisers and Vice President Harris to discuss the pandemic, said the country was in a better position to deal with the omicron variant of COVID-19 because of steps taken to limit travel and increase access to boosters.


  1. There you have it, folks. A guarantee from the President of the US of A. Get vaccinated and boosted, you will not get severe COVID, nor will you die.
    Spoken straight through his ever-present COVID-proof mask.
    First vaccinated, boosted person to die from COVID, you best believe survivors will file a big ol’ multi-multi-million-dollar law suit. Heck, let’s make it “billion,” just to get the government’s attention.

  2. Meanwhile, they're still suppressing the truth about how thousands of people are being permanently injured or killed by these "vaccines".

  3. Dumb fuckers aa a South African from the supposed epicenter of the latest scariant the omicron is extremely mild. We being played but I guess the readers here know that.

  4. they will never let go.
    it's a distraction from their failed policies and their attempt to control the sheeple and destroy our country.
    live your lives, have fun and don't fall for this BS anymore.
    far more people have died from murders, drug overdoses and suicide than covid, but they turn a blind eye to that.
    those things are so common now that it barley makes the MSN outlets. if they want to take action on something, address those issues.
    they are the ones causing those problems and it's all part of the plan.

    1. It'd be nice if everyone would realize that no one in government gives a fuck about them. It'd be real nice. Then maybe we could accomplish something.

  5. It's all they've got.
    They're going to run that horse until it keels over.

    1. that horse has a froth on it now.

  6. I'll take overloaded hospitals for 1000 Alex.

    WHOOP WHOOP the Daily Double !

    I'll bet it all.

    Answer: What will we not see pictures or videos of all winter ?

    Ding Ding Ding !

  7. 81 million vote Joe is on TV right now. He's pathetic. Louie Pheeters in Dodge City spoke more clearly and made more sense than the Big Guy. And the sorority girls in the press gaggle are just as bad if not worse, taking this all seriously. What a CCP approved clown show.

    1. Still much better than the jersey con man

    2. So you like two million third world illegals flooding into the country every year.
      Good to know.

    3. Not to mention out of control inflation, increasing crime, food shortages, government overreach, and so forth.
      But at least there's no more mean tweets.
      What a fucking idiot.

  8. All of these fully jabbed and boosted people standing in line like the idiots that they are to get tested for Kung Flu are the ones that are spreading the virus.

    A semi famous now deceased blogger once said "stay away from crowds".

    That doesn't just apply to riots and insurrection.

    Are people in general REALLY this dumb?


  9. Fuck slo joe and kamel toe

  10. Well, now that he has announced how concerned he is for us,and stated that we Will be dying off,and we all know how badly that would reflect on his administration, then isn't he Obliged to protect us from ourselves and send out jab squads to our houses?

  11. Brandonitis: a hopefully fatal imbecilic syndrome characterised by incontinence in social settings accompanied by gross verbal faux pas in a mileu of shocking corruption and sexual perversion.

  12. Eat a bag of dicks Kid Sniffer and fuck the whores you rode in on.

  13. How is this winter any different from the last 2 for the unvaccinated? Oh yeah, there are all those vaccinated people to get us sick.

  14. Typo - should be pandemic of the vaccinated. Unvaxxed are fine ☺
    For those that may not have heard, the solution to both Covid AND the fake vaxxes is Chlorine Dioxide which is commonly added to water and available everywhere and completely safe. You can just drink it and it denatures the spike protein produced by cv19 or the vax. So if you're forced to take the shot or already have you're now ok if you act fast.
    This is real not a junk "cure" like pine needle tea. Get stocked fast as this is going viral (no pun) fast and people are buying it up and the price is jumping.
    Don't believe me then do a search.

  15. Its already been said but I can not help but say it again. Does anyone else think it is improbable that OMICRON is an anagram for MORONIC. How did they come up with the name for this new variant? Is is really plausible they didn't know it spelled MORONIC? They are telling it to our faces. MORONIC says it all.

  16. These same fools were against the vax when Trump was in office. Fuck 'em.

  17. Well now...has Biden talked to the US army?
    Breaking news:

  18. I predict severe death in DC when the majority of people finally get fed up with their shit.


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