
Thursday, December 02, 2021

That's it, blame the son

NEW YORK - A man has been arrested in connection to a deadly mugging on a Manhattan subway station stairway after someone spotted him in Central Park and called a tip line, the NYPD said Saturday. 

David Robinson, 53, appeared in court a day after his arrest on manslaughter charges in the death of Htwe Than Than. A request for comment was sent to his defense attorney.


  1. Wanna bet he's already back in the street after posting $100 bail.

    1. It's DeBlovio's NYFC. He'll walk with no bail. Nemo

      (I apologize if this is a double post. Got an error saying "couldn't find the server @ blogger" when pushed "Publish" the first time)

    2. Naw, it only came through once.

  2. It's the victims fault. They should have given him the backpack and he would have been on his way. But noooooo, they just had to call him the "N" word which is not allowed in our society unless it's one "N" callnig (Notice that I purposely misspelled calling) another "N" a "N". Of course that enraged him and his jungle instincts took over and he threw them down the steps.

  3. Isn't a "deadly mugging" technically a murder?

  4. Isn't a "deadly mugging" technically a murder?
    I was thinking the same thing, I’m guessing that describing it as a deadly mugging makes it sound like an accident without the intention. Like that shit head CNn reporter describing the RIOTS in Kenosha as “ fiery but mostly peaceful “. Yeah, those poor protesters got cold while exercising their right to peaceful assembly and had to light a few police cars, dumpsters and buildings on fire to keep warm and not catch a cold. I need a stronger word than fucking bullshit.

  5. The family moved to America from war-torn Burma... hoping for a better life.
    After the attack, the family donated the organs of the comatose mother.
    Transit officials are installing cameras to catch the perpetrators of future criminal acts.
    Sick. To. My. Stomach.
    I will be at the range first thing Saturday morning.


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