
Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Yet they insist that you put these on on your face...

Could the masks you wear daily for coronavirus protection cause harm to the environment and to you? According to a new study from the United Kingdom, the answer is yes. 

Researchers at Swansea University say daily disposable masks could contain toxins that end up dumped into the environment. 

The scientists say significant amounts of toxins, such as lead, copper, and antimony have been found in masks.


I don't know about them being an environmental hazard, but I do know they're a fucking eyesore.
They're everywhere - in shopping carts, store parking lots, in ditches, my yard, you name it. Fucking liberals are all screaming that we need to save the planet, yet they're the ones throwing this shit everywhere.
And I know we've all asked the question: If covid is so damned dangerous and contagious, why aren't there hazardous waste disposal sites for used masks?


  1. "lead, copper, and antimony", all ingredients in making quality ammunition.

    And this is a bad thing???

  2. they got upset with me last year when I asked where the hazardous waste containers where at the local hospital. said something about the cost and the normal trash was fine. and when I said the mask rule was bullshit, I was asked to leave before they call the cops. that was last year like may I think. we are living thru the biggest con job in history. and in the future they will ask how we where so stupid to believe this bullshit. unreal, I never realized how stupid people where until now. this just does not make any sense at all.

  3. why aren't there hazardous waste disposal sites for used masks?

    Because they know the masks don't do a fucking thing. The germs pass right thru them.

  4. Years ago there were lots of articles about disposable diapers filling up the landfills. I always wondered why they were never worried about the disposable diapers all over the parking lots.

  5. Sooo, they put them in water and they released toxic stuff..
    Thank GAWD they don't get wet from breathing into them!
    Ohhh, Waitaminnit....

  6. Ain't nobody aside from ignorant illiberals wearing masks in my town. So we are guilt free when it comes to pollution.

    Breathe deep the gathering gloom,
    Watch lights fade from every room,
    Bed sitter people look back and lament,
    Another days useless energy spent.
    Impassioned lovers wrestle as one.
    New mother picks up and suckles her son.
    Senior citizens wish they were young.
    Cold-hearted orb that rules the night
    Removes the colors from our sight.
    Red is grey and yellow white,
    But we decide which is right
    And which is an illusion.

    Moody Blues

  7. My kids have a mask requirement in their school (as does every school in my district.) I have been as outspoken about this as possible about this but let’s just say they already hired a cop to attend a school board meeting that they thought I MIGHT show up at 🙄 among other things.
    I love kids. I love all the kids. I was even a substitute teacher in the district for a stint (the horror stories I could tell…)
    Let’s just humor everybody - including the climate retards - for one minute and concede that they work. They don’t. But let’s just SAY they do for a minute.
    These administrators, and teachers, and parents all believe they ‘work’ - and they think it’s a great idea to strap them to kids faces, and let them fiddle and fuck with them, and sling them around on the lunch tables and the gym benches, and put them on and off going in and outa the bathroom and the bus and the hallways? Have any of them actually BEEN around kids??? I don’t care if you’re talking about the kindergarten, the middle school, the high school, or the special needs kids - I know them ALL.
    THAT’S their plan? They think it’s a good idea for little Suzie, and Jonny, and Jamal to be slinging and slobbering and helicoptering these things around all over town?
    These people are stupid. Really fucking stupid. And they’re “teaching” our kids - not to mention what they’re doing to the tax base.

  8. "And I know we've all asked the question: If covid is so damned dangerous and contagious, why aren't there hazardous waste disposal sites for used masks?" - Wirecutter

    That is an excellent point, sir! One which had never entered my mind. Thank you.

    1. Or a hazardous-waste disposal-site for career-criminals named 'fauci'.

  9. I actually love the masks, they've made it so easy to identify the few karens and general idiots in my town, and conversely the normal intelligent types. Throw in all the 'officials' calling for, mandating and punishing anyone not obeying and I feel quite like Santa.

    He's making a list, checking it twice ...

  10. How exactly are "toxins, such as lead, copper, and antimony" "harmful to the environment," when they all occur naturally within the very same environment?

  11. I had an MRI a few weeks ago. They made me use a yellow mask. The technicians told me the blue ones had metal in them.

    Pail J.

  12. I thought the same thing re: Hazardous materials, Wirecutter. Such a big deal is made of disposing of "sharps"...they even have a special "one-way" box on the wall for their disposal, yet Nada for used masks.
    Goes with a lot of other looney shit accompanying this "virus", such as our rights under HIPPA. Apparently we have no HIPPA rights, otherwise the very idea of a "vaccine card" would have been thrown out as being against the law. Perhaps someone has a lawsuit pending in this regard; sure would be great if the plaintiff won!


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