
Monday, January 03, 2022

Colonel John S. Mosby's Confederate Cavalry Rangers

 The 43rd Battalion, Virginia Cavalry, also known as Mosby's Rangers, Mosby's Raiders, or Mosby's Men, was a battalion of partisan cavalry in the Confederate army during the American Civil War. Noted for their lightning strike raids on Union targets and their ability to consistently elude pursuit, the Rangers disrupted Union communications and supply lines.  By the summer of 1864, Mosby's battalion had grown to six cavalry companies and one artillery company, comprising about 400 men. The battalion never formally surrendered, but was disbanded on April 21, 1865 - after Lee’s Surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox.

Bringing to life with vivid recreations, sound and editing -- focused living-history documentaries on Rev War battles -- as well as some of the men who led and those who followed and fought with heroism and without regard for themselves - fighting for family, home… love of country and the men standing in line next to them.

VIDEO HERE  (8:50 minutes)


  1. No real comment about the post, but man, I am glad to see you back.

  2. And now in 2022 the County from which he came is removing his name from ever public road that has his name on it

  3. 300 men tied up 17 THOUSAND.......thats pretty good ROI......

  4. Might be a lesson in there for ya, kids.
    Backwoods Okie

  5. Francis Marion, Rogers, and Moseby were the forerunners of Special Warfare units.

  6. Even with all the resources the Fed's used to try and stop him he always got through. If you have some time this winter it's well worth a listen.

    The Memoirs of Colonel John S. Mosby (FULL Audiobook)

  7. A true patriot.....

  8. A Virginia boy. Born in Powhatan Co. That's just west of Richmond.

  9. For years my gray car had the license plate "43RD PRB".
    Not sure if today's Virginia DMV would issue them.
    Given the historical ignorance of most .gov employees they might.


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