
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Commentary: The Plot to Sabotage Trump

It is always amazing to watch the Trump-hating elites — particularly, in this case, those who owe their professional prominence to the former president — display their stunning lack of self-awareness as they set out to effectively advertise themselves as arrogant, disloyal, ungrateful, and utterly out of touch with the American people.


  1. Here’s the problem Republicans have as I see it: they are all-too willing to capitulate to the left but not their own party majority; they truly are Democrat Lite.

    I recall reading Reagan’s pre-Convention interview in Playboy. When asked about his BP candidate thoughts he said (paraphrasing from memory here), “George is a nice guy but that’s it”. How prescient was that? Unfortunately for us, Bush was the camel’s nose under the tent, leading us to today where you find Mitt Romney all too-willing to whore himself out if only to maintain his lifetime congressional membership and fuck you, Utah, for inflicting him on us.

  2. the people jeff lord is talking about are out spreading the bs about "lets have trump policies in a candidate who isnt trump". it's another goper/bushbot scam.

  3. None of these idiots were onboard with MAGA, they are self-serving life long political activist. The same uniparty trash that corrupted our political system and will never leave while above ground

  4. I see the same thing being used against the just sworn in governor of Virginia, Youngkin.

  5. The real irony here is that a day doesn't go by when some lefty talking head or politician doesn't bring up or malign Trump, thus keeping him front and center in any policy debate that they're pushing.

    These idiots are making Trump's campaign for him and they're too stupid to figure that out.



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