
Friday, January 07, 2022

Here’s when gas prices are expected to peak in 2022

GasBuddy, a company that closely tracks gas prices around the country, has released its forecast for 2022 and we’ve got some bad news for you. Gas prices are once expected to rise and could reach $4 per gallon nationwide by spring.


  1. As long as the criminal left is in power fuel prices will rise and supplies will decrease.
    Because that is their plan. They don't want America or American's being able to travel at
    will. So the destruction of our transportation infrastructure is one of their imperatives.

  2. Here in Montana we are at $3.34 to $3.44 up from $2.06 at the start of the walking vegetable's time in office.

  3. We hit 4 a few years ago. My gut says there will be no peak for a long time let alone in 2022 until few are driving.

  4. You can bet your sweet bippy this entire charade was a planned event to force people to become reliant on the feels & gammer in general. Pretty much the entire world want our way of life to simply go away, then they can turn the entire planet into a turd-world shithole run by people that can't wait to act again like Stalin did during his reign of terror. Ifn you be planning on doing something about it, best get to it mui pronto. Make 2022 the year when everybody say No to everything coming out of the pie holes of the PTB.


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