
Friday, January 07, 2022

Sounds to me like that dog was slacking on the job

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – One man was charged with aggravated burglary on Monday after surveillance footage and fingerprints from an incident months prior led to his arrest. 

According to an arrest warrant, on Oct. 29, 2021, surveillance video captured Decarlos Murphy, 43, entering a home located on Seifried St. through the dog door. Police said the video footage showed him gathering the victim’s items in a blue blanket and placing it outside.


Seriously, you'd think that if the door was large enough for  that nice Irish gentleman to slide in and out of, the dog would be big enough to ruin his whole day. I'm guessing it must've been a Golden Retriever that lived there, probably helped him carry shit to the door, too.


  1. In his portrait (courtesy Nashville Police Force), DeCarlos seems disgruntled...

  2. LOL..."Irish gentleman" hahaaa, ya no, although with that 'do he does look like a leprechaun.

  3. A Golden Retriever wouldn't help him. It'd annoy him by dropping a tennis ball in front of him every two seconds until he either played with him or left.

  4. Had a Golden many years ago. Had some clowns run from the police on a traffic stop and one got into our back yard and was found hiding in the doghouse. I talked the next day to the cop who found and arrested him. I asked "What was the dog doing all this time?" His answer, "What dog?"

  5. My brother moved into his new home and it had a doggy door into the garage. Unused, because my brother had no dog. So, in the middle of the night, Bob hears his footsteps down below, the thud of a body hitting the deck, and his front door slam shut. He goes to investigate.

    Someone, we guessed a local kid, came in through the dog door and found the garage occupied by brother's truck. Then we discovered the 'gotcha' about the door. Due to the homemade nature of the door, you can get in but you can't get out. The kid didn't know the house was occupied, panicked, and ran into the house, across the kitchen, across the living room, and out the front door. Tripped over his own feet leaving.

    That was the first and only problem that brother ever had with invaders.


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