
Friday, January 28, 2022

Hipster Megachurch in Shambles Over Pastor’s Alleged Affair

When volunteers at Venue Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, arrived at their pastor’s house last November, they were hoping to raise his spirits with a surprise visit. Instead they got a shock: Pastor Tavner Smith was alone with a female church employee—she in a towel, he in his boxers. 

The charismatic 41-year-old hurriedly explained that the two of them had been making chili and hot dogs and gotten food on their clothes, according to one volunteer who was present. But, as the volunteer put it, “I don’t think none of us was that dumb.”


  1. These charlatans give good Christian men of God a bad name, but they always get their just desserts done or later. God will not be mocked!

    1. Just a bit of info from the grammar/diction/spelling police: It’s just deserts, not just desserts.

    2. Now, Anon, he could be talking about pie.

    3. I think we all understood just fine without you being a grammar nazi.

  2. Sounds like his spirit was already aroused.

  3. This is why I would never CONSIDER attending a megachurch, even once.

  4. Oh he got "chili on his hot dog" and she was helping him clean up.


  5. I bet the preacher man told her: "My rod and my staff will comfort you".

  6. Let he cast the first stone who don't strip down when spilling chili on their cloths.

  7. "I don’t think none of us was that dumb."

    Truer words have rarely been spoken.

  8. I like hotdogs. All those clowns who act like they’ve actually been to a processing plant and say shit like “You’d never eat one again if you saw what goes in them.” can kiss my ass. Not sure where that came from. Eod1sg Ret

  9. People and religion, SMH. Every preacher I've ever talked to, I was married to a Alabama southern baptist woman for 10 years who was determined to save me so I talked to lots of them, came from some wretched life of drinking, smoking, drugs and oh my god womanizing !!!!!!!! Funny thing is I know a lot about those subjects because I actually lived them and I caught every damn one of them in their lies. 90% of the religious out there who put their nonsense in your face are fake, now I'm not saying that just because you're religious your fake so hold off the indignation, lol, but maybe you should try looking in the mirror before pointing fingers.
    As to this story, really, people couldn't see what was going on or is it possible they just didn't want to see the truth about this scam artist ? What is it about the need to believe in some religion that closes their eyes to reality ?????? I just don't understand it

  10. Hot chili is one thing; the melted cheese is something else.


  11. Dead giveaway: megachurch.

  12. The entire story is meaningless blub without newds.

  13. HA! Why is anyone surprised? I've never met a "BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN" that wasn't a criminal or pervert at heart.....

  14. well , at least he was busy at the house so he wasn't out hustling cash from poor little old women or conning some other poor slob out of their hard earned dollars in exchange for some vague promise of "Salvation"


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