
Friday, January 07, 2022

Imagine if me or you refused to give up something named in a search warrant

New Mexico authorities on Thursday said they were working with police in New York state to obtain Alec Baldwin's cellphone after the actor failed to give up to despite a search warrant to seize it.


  1. He'll get off anyway, somehow, but it pisses me the fuck off.

    1. Of course he will get off.

      The armorer's sole function is to ensure actors have firearms that aren't loaded.

      All liability rests with the armorer.

      Watch and learn.

  2. If a judge had ordered that you or I surrender our cell phone, our laptop or anything else we would be required to give tat up. If we didn't hand it over immediately, they would break down our doors and take it then arrest us for contempt on the spot. So you know he has a bunch of incriminating stuff on there, texts, emails, calls in & out, everything.

    Give it up Alec, if you've nothing to hide.

    Everyone knows this turd is a POS and his wife is a fraud but somehow they have more rights than ordinary citizens. This kind of shit makes me sick.

  3. Ooopsies! It fell in the garbage disposal.
    I am Soo sorry. I wuzgunna bring it in tomorrow. Really! I Wuz!!

  4. Knuckle, me and you both know that there are two tiers of just-us now in our formerly United States, so proceed accordingly. Kind of sad in a way, but in another way it is exhilarating to know that an old toot like me might be able to make a difference when the shinola hits the fan! No jab, no camp, no boot licking

  5. It's an example of our "Just-Us" system. And "we" ain't "Us".

  6. Going down. They wouldn't do this unless it matters.

  7. Imagine if you refused to turn over an item named in a warrant?

    Hell, imagine if you killed some woman with a negligent discharge.

    (At best it was an ND. I'm not ruling out deliberate malice. I don't think fuckface intended to murder Hutchins, but he may have been trying to scare her, make a dumbass point, or something deliberate.)

  8. Maybe he has a copy of Ghislaine's black book on that phone. Police won't touch that because it could end in a rash of Arkancides.

  9. Mel Brooks said it best: "It's good to be the king."

  10. According to a press-release avalanche a couple-three years ago, every call and text is stored indefinitely by bumblebrats at No Such Agency in a salt mine in Utah.
    If a transmission (ton a radio such as a cellular telephone) is broadcast to-n-from a cellular tower, some government agents claim jurisdiction because of "air-waves' or some other fantasy.
    Or was that more 'mis-information / dis-information'?
    If so, what happened to the trillion tax-dollars required to 'keep us safe from terrorists'?

  11. Tyranny is the unequal application of the law by definition.


  12. Hillbag was required to turn in the Whitewater books for investigation. She sat on them for a year, and all of a sudden the sanitized records appeared on a side table in the white house. Hillbag destroyed her illegal private server she used to circumvent the law and scrutiny. And nothing happened. The law is not blind or fair.

  13. So let them search. He doesn't have to say shit. Even scumbags have that right.

  14. Refused to give it up? I never knew cops to ask. It has always been my understanding that the cops just lay hands on you and took it.


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