
Friday, January 07, 2022

Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately?

A couple of factors are at play, starting with the emergence of the highly contagious omicron variant. Omicron is more likely to infect people, even if it doesn't make them very sick, and its surge coincided with the holiday travel season in many places. 

People might mistakenly think the COVID-19 vaccines will completely block infection, but the shots are mainly designed to prevent severe illness, says Louis Mansky, a virus researcher at the University of Minnesota. 


And not a single fucking liberal will appreciate the fact that the narrative went from "You must do your part and get vaccinated to prevent the spread of Covid" just one year ago to "Well, the vaccination wasn't designed for that" today.


  1. Perhaps it is because they are jabbing people in the middle of the pandemic and this allows the virus to mutate around it and any new jabs. Total fuckup by FDA & CDC or by plan.

    Instead of letting this thing burn out like SARSCOV-1, they continue to perpetuate it with failed jab after jab. Then again, the jabs kill the persons immune system at the same time.'

    The goal is to depopulate the Earth and the gov. and media are complicit in genocide.

    History will not be kind to these mass murderers. One only need remember the fate of the Ceaușescus. It's being repeated today and the end will be just as bad if not worse for those complicit in this genocide.

    1. "History will not be kind to these mass murderers."

      If we kill enough of you, we'll be the ones writing the history, and we will be most laudatory to ourselves. Most laudatory indeed.
      - Government and Media

  2. Because words matter.....COVID19 is a coronavirus. The same family that is the #3 cause of the common cold.

    While I have no solid evidence (paper trail), the more I've learned about this virus, the more I believe it was weaponized (by whom, where, or how still remains to be seen). This weaponized coronavirus is taking the road any common-cold virus will does - it mutates. While the weaponized virus was not easily contracted (think of the number of healthcare workers who were exposed daily and yet didn't contract it), it's death rate was certainly MUCH higher than the "common-cold."

    Now think of the various mutations that we have gone through. A virus wants to replicate. The only way it can do that readily is to not kill the host. Therefore, it becomes more easily spread but less virulent. Yes, we are seeing an explosion in positive cases, and?? The question that should be asked is the severity - how many are hospitalized, are on vents, have died.

  3. Those getting the vaccine dont care about the purpose of the vaccine nor the side affects. They know someone died with covid and they hear the buzz word vaccine. That is all they care about.

    My neighbor caught covid after her vaccine. She said she caught the new strain. I ask how do you know it is a new strain. Her response....I have been vaccinated.

    My sister in law is meticulus about her health. Gets vaccine and booster. No research on side affects.

    They hear vaccine and ventilator. They are CNN fans. Media is killing hundred of thousands. Denying querctin and ivermectin as pretreatment.

  4. Like usual the bureaucrat Demonrats at CDC, NIH, NIAID, name a agency associated with establishing and implementing health policy, are moving the goal posts to fit what's actually happening with their failed policies and "standard of care".

    Next time you talk to your Doctor, ask him or her who wrote the "standard of care" that they all use to treat whatever malady they've diagnosed you with. Never mind.

    They wouldn't tell you that the drug companies write the standard of care anyway because if they did they'd be giving the game away. The money/profits game.

    We're being played, as usual, for money. In the case of Kung Flu they're vacuuming up our tax dollars, in addition to all the 1,000,000,000's (that's trillion with a T) that the fed is printing to finance this experiment that has been proven doesn't work. If it did work NO ONE that's been jabbed would be getting sick. 'Course they changed that goal post from "get jabbed to avoid infection" to "get jabbed so MAYBE, just MAYBE, you won't die". Not to mention they quietly changed the definition of what a vaccine is on the CDC website a couple months ago.


    1. "They wouldn't tell you that the drug companies write the standard of care"

      Regardless of whether that is true or not, most doctors don't know where the guidelines they are mandated to follow come from. MDs are above average at taking tests and all that, but the process is NOT designed to produce people with curiosity. Nor is the medical school admissions process particularly geared toward selecting people who are both ethical and have intellectual curiosity. And then the training process is years of being taught to knuckle under to authority.

      TL;DR: Your doctor is very unlikely to be evil or knowingly part of a conspiracy. He (or she) is just going along with the flow and doing what he is told by his higher ups. This does NOT excuse the professional malfeasance that is going on today, but it's mostly not deliberate evil.

    2. I don't recall saying anything in my post about Doctors being evil. I didn't even insinuate that. I was subtly pointing out, like you did more explicitly, that Doctors aren't interested in finding out the why of the "standard of care" and who writes it.


  5. I was skeptical of the experimental so-called vaccine. The wife bought into the Pfizer Jab and had it twice. Four months ago she brought home the Delta variant which she shared with me. I had a 100 to 100.5 degree fever. She had a 101-102 degree fever. Her O2 levels were in the 92-93 range for a couple of days. Mine dipped to 91 one day but stayed 93 or better. She was a snot factory. I had the sniffles. We both had back aches and head aches. She was in more misery that I was. I got over it faster than she did even though I showed signs 3 days after hers appeared.

    Fast forward to Christmas with the in-laws at my home. No I didn't invite anybody over but they invited themselves. Both nieces and their husbands are worried about the vax status of all. Me and my brother-in-law are the only ones not on the so-called vaccine passports. Both of us have medical issues that our doctors suggested we not take the so-called vaccine. Somebody brought the Rona to the party. Everybody except my wife and I got the Kung Flu. WTF?!? They are all vaccinated with two or more doses of the pharma chemicals. Something does not work...

    The positive side: Oldest niece had a Air B&B pre-paid in a resort area that she and her in-laws couldn't use over new years as they all had the Kung flu. My wife and I got to enjoy 4 nights in coastal Georgia over new years and 3 days after.

  6. Heh, a year ago all the commie leftists were screaming no way would they get a Trump shot.
    You can't fix stupid, but you can film it and put it on the internet.

    1. I just saw a clip from the idiot in chief, his hoe all the way to that POS cuomo saying they would not take a Trump vax. What hypocrites.

  7. Variant, shmariant, change the story, move the goalpost, hell, EAT the goalpost, still never gonna' take the poison.

  8. Well, I am an old man, have diabetes, am way overweight, and have gotten no jabs. Haven't gotten sick either. And I frequently work around teenagers in high schools. And most of the kids in school are damned sick of the masks and take them down whenever possible. Or, they keep their nose sticking out. So, I think the jab is useless and in fact, an attractant to the virus. So there.

  9. Kenny, face it, there is no reasoning with people that reached their conclusion based on emotional and political decisions.
    The shot is clearly not as advertised, yet millions still queue up, why? It will baffle historians for eons.

  10. About 20% of the "vaccine" batches produce some very serious side-effects. The other 80% still produce some "adverse events" but if you get jabbed with the other stuff, good luck!

  11. "Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately?"

    Are you assuming here that the vaccine is there to STOP covid?

  12. The vaccine was never designed to prevent illness from Coronavirus. It was designed to fuck up your immune system.

  13. Oh, the government agents proclaimed something or another?
    That instantly automatically goes in the round-file... under 'mis-information / dis-information'.
    Use your preferred search-engine, ask 'how many versions of coronavirus exist?'.
    I used three, the answers seem astonishingly similar to press-release speak from... the government agents.
    Is covid-223 another name for the common cold?
    Are covid-Eta and covid-Ipio different names for various versions of well-known yet quite mild chinesium influenza?

  14. We have super bugs (variants) from overprescribing antibiotics. Vaccine leakage is how we get variants (the fittest of the virus survive and infect others). Therefore the more people vaxed = more variants.

    BEST 3 HOURS you'll ever spend if you want the truth

    Joe Rogan interviews Dr. Robert Malone mRNA pioneer.

    **Must watch** jaw dropping wtf


  15. Ever hear of a dog getting a mild case of rabies, or a mild case of polio, yellow fever or smallpox?

  16. Vaccines, testing testing testing masks half the population out there are turned into hypochondriac covid cultists they have been delusionalised en masse but unfortunately there will be no mass deprogramming. Few may return to sanity most weren't sane to begin with.


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