
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Joe has always been an asshole

It will never stop being hilarious that people voted for that asshole Joe Biden because they thought he would usher in a return to civility and unity.

How stupid do you have to be to have believed that bastard’s “Restore the Soul of America” BS?

And now those voters who thought they elected an amiable, kindhearted grandpa are reacting in mystified disgust that Joe Biden went down to Georgia and spewed the most vitriolic, divisive, angry speech ever made by a sitting President.

Was half the country in a coma from 1973 until 2020?

Joe Biden has always been an asshole. This isn’t new, guys.


  1. Wisco Dave, you are absolutely correct!

  2. Dominion voting machines don't blush.

  3. You got that right. Did not like him the first time he ran and I was young and dumb them. Begging to think Sirhan sirhan shot the Aron’s democrat.

  4. I think you are insulting assholes everywhere. Joe Biden is a piece of shit. Don't lump us assholes in with him.

  5. The maybe 50 million people (at most) who think they voted for that pedophile, really just voted against Trump. With a rate of anti-Trump media coverage at about the level of surviving Covid - 99.5% or more - congratulations to those people who can be manipulated like children. And yes, the pedophile was a nothing-man 50 years ago in his so-called prime and is less than nothing now.


    1. The only reason I voted for Trump in 2016 was to throw Hillary the finger. I thought Trump was too liberal and had full intentions of voting for Darrell Castle of the Constitution party, but changed my mind at the very last second.
      2020 was a no brainer - Trump or Biden?

  6. I remember seeing a few clips of his "class act" during the thomas hearing. he was a bitter nasty man back then even. and anyone who pimps out their own kid should be shot anyway.
    he would feel right at home with the nazis back in the day. and he is way beyond a asshole !
    the very fact that he is where he is proof enough that the whole system is fucked. when a moron like him is in power ? and the other option is even worse. that in itself is very hard to believe. the whole idea of a civil war is not if anymore, but more like when.
    given the chance, he would round up people and dump them in camps or worse. stay armed at all times, this is not going to end well for anyone.

  7. Ol' Joe has been an idiot for four decades, along with the voters of Delaware.
    It was 2021 that proved again nationally voters are dumb, along with the stolen election.

  8. Aw C'mon, who doesn't love paying twice as much for gas, food, etc.

  9. In his book, "A National Party No More" Zell Miller, former Governor of Georgia wrote how when he moved to Washington after being elected Senator, Joe Biden came into his office, sat down and said, roughly: First, you are appalled at how things work here. Then, there's acceptance. And finally, participation. Best I can tell, Zell didn't participate. He was a better Republican than most actual Republicans.

  10. When a democrap asks would you rather be on the side of Republicans or Democrats shouldn't you think as an African American who really represents your chances of improving your lives?

    1. They have been too brainwashed their entire lives, like anyone who still voted for them.
      The Republicans have historically, and continue to this day, been terrible messengers and any attempts to counter the lies from the other side are met with a tepid, if any reaction. The same could be said for any right-leaning media, I very rarely see them correct or counter incorrect statements on their shows.

  11. This is a man who has been caught lying about his past, his family, and everything else. And the left, especially our 'Professional Journalists', has made the 'Well, that's just Joe' excuse over and over. So here we are.

    Side note: friend of mine was having fits about 'Trump said a bad thing about women!' thing; I pointed out that Biden's credibly accused of raping a woman in an elevator in the bloody Capitol, and all the 'let me fondle you' shit with woman and underage girls, and isn't that a problem?
    I never got an answer.

  12. When asked if Biden would abandon Americans stranded in Afgan, Newt Gingrich replied, "In a heart beat....that's who he is"
    Everyone in WDC, knows who and what he is....and they still foisted him on us.

  13. Watch the first debate and tell me who is the bigger asshole.

    Bone spurs lost the election right then and there.

  14. All I ever needed to know about Biden: Trying to best Obama for the 2008 nomination, Biden said he could get the NASCAR vote "because Delaware had been a slave state."

  15. The sheep don't even remember the insurrection of 2016 when the commies trashed the capitol a helluva lot worse than this time.

  16. I'm absolutely positive that Trump won in a landslide. Biden won more states than Walter Mondale did, but not many.


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