
Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Man threatened to blow up OSHA building over COVID guidelines

DEL CITY, Okla. (KFOR) – Authorities in Del City have arrested a man who allegedly threatened to blow up a building over COVID-19 guidelines. 

On Jan. 12, the Del City Police Department received an intelligence bulletin about someone making threats to blow up the Occupational Safety and Health Administration building in Oklahoma City.


  1. WC...thought you might be interested in getting the word out on this....we need to stop buying from the bastards who want to kill us....

    1. Sad to hear this, they made outstanding work clothes.
      Posting right now, thanks.

    2. Just bought some insulated bibs a couple weeks ago. They make great hillbilly mafia apparell. Plenty of pockets up front for spare mags and a battle belt. If any of ya'll have read Clay Martin's Prairie Fire, his picture on the back cover very closely resembles one of my many battle rattles. Ohio Guy

  2. Is the reported bomber one of Epp's coworkers?

  3. From the news rep[ort
    "Authorities also learned that Moore had attempted to take money out of his bank account, which officials say would have given him the means to execute his plan."


    Does this concern y'all?

    It should.

  4. I can't say I support support blowing up evil bureaucratic buildings.
    -Just a Chemist


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