
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Newsom Rejects Sheriff’s Claims His Homelessness Plan Isn’t Working

PARAMOUNT, Calif. (AP/CBS13) — Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday rejected claims by the sheriff of California’s most populous county that record spending on homelessness initiatives isn’t putting a dent in the problem of people living in the streets and the state isn’t held accountable for where the billions of dollars go.


  1. The plan IS working.
    Billions of Bucks for Buddies, or BBB for short.
    Oh, you thought all that money was for the homeless?
    How naïve and dumb of you. Are you by chance a democrat?

  2. Why are other states not sending their 'homeless' to Californiastan? Seem like a good way for other state to end their own problem. It is warm in cali and the state will feed them.

  3. He is just upset he isn't getting what he considers his share of the loot.

    The LA Transit system is cutting their contract with the LASD costing him at least $75 million in revenue.


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