
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Of all the people who DIDN'T die of covid....

Neil Young has demanded Spotify remove all of his music from their streaming service in a blazing row over vaccine misinformation spread by podcaster Joe Rogan. 

In an open letter to his manager and record label telling them to have his catalogue taken down the Heart of Gold singer writes: 'They can have Rogan or Young. Not both.'


I used to enjoy Neil Young's music back when I was younger, now I just wish he'd go back to Canada and shut the fuck up.


  1. NO... We Canadians do not want him back, Please keep him.

    1. As a canadian you guys should send him to mexico. His brain is fried enough he wont know its not Canada.


  2. Neil Young is still alive? Never really gave it much thought. Also, there's only 2 good things Canada EVER gave us...Crown (The original, not that apple cocksnot flavor) and hockey.

  3. Amen! Send him back!

    The government is the misinformation source these days. If you try and spread the truth they attempt to suppress you, libel, you and ban you from the internet!

  4. Wirecutter: To your comment.......Amen!

    1. Southern man don't need him around anyway!!! Did I get the win in January ?

  5. Need a video of clotshot victims, shaking collapsing and whatnot, with Needle and the Damage Done playing in background. I'd do it if I knew how...

    1. EXCELLENT idea!

    2. That would be a thing of terrible beauty, but he owns that and would get it ripped down and sue the video editor, the doddering old self-important shit head.

  6. I dont want that commie back up here, we already have too many. FUCK that guy!

    Chutes Magoo

  7. I liked his music as well....until he came to Orlando back in the 70's and started out his set with Southern Man...we booed him off the stage but he came back with the band and played his entire set as fast as he least the part I stayed for. The place was empty by the time he finished.
    He can Kiss My Azz

    1. He should remember Southern Man don't need him around anyhow.

    2. Damn I didn't get that far in the comments. Beat me you win.

  8. It's amazing how people who get paid (too much IMHO) to entertain us somehow believe that we give a rats ass what they think about anything. Dance for me monkey, then stfu, and go away.

  9. Yeah, wow, holy shit. I used to like Neil Young. Fuck him....

  10. A Southern man don't need him around, anyhow.

  11. What you said about him going back to Canada and STFU. I couldn't agree more!

  12. As it’s been said.. “…I hope Neil Young will remember a southern man don’t need him around anyhow….”
    Never did care for the guy’s output.

  13. The rabidly pro-vaxx pro-authoritarian factions are just going to get nastier and nastier as the data shows just how wrong and deluded they've been. It's how they demonstrate embarrassment. Watch out for the lashing out.

    1. "What an Idiot. Jesus Christ."
      Anthony Fauci

      "Stupid son of a bitch."
      Joe Biden

      These aren't acts of embarrassment. They are acts of anger that the masses are no longer blindly compliant and they know it.

  14. Always did and still does sound like a whiney little bitch.

    1. Exactly. The perfect voice for a Leftist, be it male or female.


  15. I never enjoyed Neil Young's music back when I was younger, and I always wished he'd go back to Canada and shut the fuck up... But that's just me.

  16. in the immortal words of Lynard Skynard... a southern man don't need him around anyhow


  18. Must be something with Canadian singers. I can take Neil Young's or Geddy Lee's voice
    for like 5 minutes and that's it. Back in the 70s, a girl I was dating won tickets to
    see CSNY at the Boston Garden and we got to go backstage. Everyone was cool but Neil Yound
    smelled like a homeless SF bum on a hot day that had shit his pants and they hadn't even been onstage yet. It was awful.

  19. i read that Spotify gave Rogan 100 million for exclusive rights to hos podcast , I dont think they are going to worry about losing an old washed up hippie too much .

  20. He was relevant up until the mid seventies. Then pretty much unlistenable. Should go back to Canadia, but probably couldn't handle the weather at his age.
    As far as him being rich, I don't think so. I think the dead ex-wife got all the good stuff. Has been selling cars and guitars cuz he 'just has too many.' Dead Peggy got the famous Broken Arrow Ranch in the divorce along with the Hawaii property. And he isn't selling any records at all. Head back north and wait for the invasion. Eh?

  21. Seriously, somebody cough on that mother-effer already. Sanctimonious asshole.

  22. " there's only 2 good things Canada EVER gave us...Crown (The original, not that apple cocksnot flavor) and hockey."

    I beg to differ...there's Gordon Lightfoot

  23. Cant sing
    Cant play
    Cant write much.


  24. I thought that I was going to have to change my opinion of him when I heard he'd refuse to play concerts if the audience were required to provide papers. Then I realized that nobody would want to see that old dried up Karen anyway...

  25. The biggest thing to me on his demand, as well as those from others, is who the HELL do they think they are? No one but my parents and boss (to an extent more so the customers) tell me what to do and my parents struggled with that and are long gone now. Fuck him and all those like him.

  26. Neil sold his catalog, he has no right to demand anything regarding property we doesn't own.

  27. He has such a lovely voice, too...

  28. I can listen to him while he plays his guitar and harmonica but as soon as he starts his whiney voice singing I've had enough of him. He was a decent song writer, a half assed musician and a terrible singer
    Fuck Neil Young, slo joe and kamel toe

  29. I think the worst cover song ever was when this idiot did "no money down"
    Just ruined it.


  30. Yeah, I liked Neil back when in the 70's when I had a bong attached to my hand. He's been a dick ever since. Just shut up and go away. No one cares.

    I'm not a big Rogan fan either, but at least he doesn't bullshit too much and let's people talk. Maybe I'll give him another try.

  31. 1 comorbidity, 2 comorbidity, 3 comorbidity, 4, 5 comorbidity, 6 comorbidity, Neil no more!

  32. FNY. Neil Young or New York. Both work equally well.

  33. My teacher had a more pleasant sound when she scratched her fingers on the chalkboard than that squeaky, high pitched garbage that exudes from this whiny bastard....


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