
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

IRS To Require Facial Recognition To View Tax Returns

The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has partnered with a Virginia-based private identification firm which requires a facial recognition selfie among other things, in order to create or access online accounts with the agency.


  1. I tried using it a couple of months ago. It would not recognize the KY drivers license. Just another government boondoggle. I wonder which politician's brother in law works for ID ME.

  2. If you want to kill this quick make it a Voter ID as well and it will stop immediately

  3. I love Neil young’s music. He made my all time favorite album. That being said,what a colossal cum stain on a dirty mattress he is. We now live in a world where rockstars & rebels are screaming that everyone must obey the gov. Fucked up bullshit.

  4. This is a big mistake. The database will a large target, and given the government’s record of security it will be in Chinese hands within days.

    1. Most likely in their hands shortly after uploading to the 'cloud'.

  5. Dealing with private 3rd parties required? It's already being done, how many government agencies information is only available on facebook or twitter?
    The other thing to keep in mind is that 3rd party government providers are not limited by the Constitution and it's Bill of Rights, it's a great way to manage the population without having to deal with that pesky "Bill of Rights".

  6. Let's make it easier for the Swamp to use facial recognition against us. They already have just about everything about us in their various data bases.

  7. Fuck that. With a rusty Meadow Creature broadfork (I don't know them it anything, it's just a particularly big, durable broadfork, and I love mine). Sideways.

    I'll be damned if I'll let some fucking private company record my biometrics and tax documents in order to deal with the fucking government agency that is already threatening me with violence if I decline to deal with them. Hell no. Mother fucking bastards. They won't require a photo id to fucking vote, but paying your taxes/getting copies of your past paid taxes? Sure, of course! *More Joe Pesci ranting*

  8. I sent them a picture of my dog's butt.....

  9. lol trying to find all of the "insurrectionists "?

    1. Sometimes, the "insurrectionists" find you first.

  10. Well, guess the "knee-grows" won't be filling taxes, since they don't know how to get I.D's.

    @luis-that's racist!

  11. Some body in the hood will get ticked when they can’t access their 116 year old Aunt Jemima’s tax file.

  12. Don't wanna, ain't gonna, can't make me ...

  13. I'm more than sick of being treated like a fucking criminal just because a relatively few individuals actually ARE criminals, and the biggest ones are in DC, that come up with shit like this .
    My "selfie" will be a blurry shot of a stuffed bear.


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