
Friday, January 07, 2022

"Oh, masks Are Required? Here's your damned mask!"

A woman in Argentina stripped down to her underwear and attempted to use her dress as a face covering to get around an ice cream parlor’s mask mandate, video shows. 

“Don’t ask for my face mask, I’m putting it on,” she boldly tells the staff at the store in Godoy Cruz, a city in the western province of Mendoza, before she strips down.


  1. I am totally OK with this.

  2. Poor guy was getting distracted. Good thing he had his wife with him to keep him on task

  3. She really really wanted some ice cream.....

    Tim in AK

  4. HEH....even the "young" ones are getting tired of this covid bull sheat.
    Every little bit of protest against the overlords is appreciated.

  5. Went to the courthouse (small Georgia no-mandate county) the other day to get my Carry Permit renewed. Imagine my shock when masks are only required in the courtrooms. Most of the county is mask free, even Kroger which has a "required" sign on the door but no one, even the staff wears a mask, except a very few, mostly Blacks. Library and most doctors will be the last to give up.

  6. And the man's mask was certainly useful being below his nose. Fucking masks are useless.


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