
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Political science professor claims in Politico essay that Constitution is enemy of Democracy

The day prior to the one-year anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol breach, Politico magazine ran a guest column by a political science professor who argued the U.S. Constitution has become a threat to democracy. 

Corey Robin, a professor at Brooklyn College and the City of New York Graduate Center, wrote a piece titled "Republicans Are Moving Rapidly to Cement Minority Rule. Blame the Constitution."


  1. I have to agree. The constitution is the foundation of our constitutional republic. We are not a democracy. We do not have mob rule. This is one of the areas where the founding fathers were vastly more intelligent than the over educated idiots of today.

  2. "Political science professor claims in Politico essay that Constitution is enemy of Democracy"

    Just a typo, fixed it for you:

    "Political science professor claims in Politico essay that Constitution is enemy of Democrats"

  3. Technically, he's not wrong. The Constitution does prevent the USA from being a majority rule democracy. Cause it establishes us as a representative republic. Duh.

  4. They're some good comments about that article at the end.

  5. Actually it IS the "enemy" of Democracy, it is the blue print for a Constitutional Republic. But, these leftist scum are using words that most Americans do not understand thanks to our government run education centers.

  6. Sure is, just like it's supposed to be.

  7. At what point does it become treason?

    1. If, and ONLY if his side loses.

  8. US people are jock sniffers, all they understand is high score wins, and winning isn't everything it's the only thing. Sports culture pervades everything. The Boomer's legacy. So the people now think they live in a high score wins all democratic system, with a watered down Congress trying to remove the last remnants against that.

  9. Everybody already beat me to it. My first thought was, "That is what it is supposed to do dumbass."

    Jeremy P.

  10. It was only due to the constitution that minorities were able to even have a place at the table, when it comes to voting, to not being held as slaves, and to a whole lot of other things that the side in power would have preferred to keep the status quo.
    The intention of the constitution is for there to be a group of strong states surrounding a weak federal government. That is why the 9th and 10th amendments were included in the bill of rights. The same bill of rights that were important enough that the founders felt the need to have the 1st and 2nd amendments included, along with the other important protections that were included. Too many people ignore the other amendments, which in some ways are even more important than even the 1st and 2nd amendments. If the 9th and 10th were followed, then the 1st and 2nd would not be a problem, because the states would protect them, for the most part.

  11. Whoa! The Brooklyn College and the City of New York Graduate Center! Right up there with Harvard, Yale, and Murray's Barber College. Somebody should tell him that democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

  12. What a dumbass that prof is! Of course the Constitution is a threat to Democracy! The Founding Fathers established a REPUBLIC, not a democracy, and they did it intentionally. Since the Dumbascraps took an oath to the Constitution, but keep talking about and trying to establish a democracy, they committed perjury when they took their oath of office, and should be immediately removed from office. And, the fool professor needs to be removed from his classes, as he is unqualified to teach.


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