
Monday, January 17, 2022

Ray Epps Instigated Breaching of the Capitol – Is He an FBI Asset? His Lawyer Says No

Ray Epps, the former Marine Sergeant from Arizona at the center of a controversy that sees him as a potential informant for the FBI, or asset for another government agency, was video taped inciting others to riot at the Capitol on January 6. But he didn’t only incite rioting, the Trump cap-wearing Epps specifically and repeatedly encouraged others to breach and enter the Capitol building. 

His behavior was so contrived that many in the crowd at the Capitol began yelling that he was a “Fed.”


  1. Just because he wasn’t a Fibbee asset doesn’t mean he wasn’t working for another department of .gov . Capitol PD maybe?

    1. Democratic party operative? Did they create January 6 in order to demonize Republicans into the foreseeable future?

  2. I'll certainly take his lawyers word for it. Lawyers are honorable folk who've never been known to lie or misstate facts. Why, just last week one sold me the most lovely bridge...

    1. Yep, Sounds like some silver-tongue, Aes Sedai trickery.

      It may be true that he 'is not currently' an "asset", but he 'may have been' an asset before, or an employee, contractor, working for another agency, or perhaps a signature reduction type.


  3. Well now, that settles it. His Lawyer says no.


    De Oppresso Liber

  4. The tell is that he's still walking around a free man in the face of incontrovertible video proof of him urging people to go inside, while others have been in the slam, incommunicado, for over year awaiting a hearing. That clip has been on Tucker Carlson's show a couple of time over the past year.

    If he's not an actual badged fed, he's certainly a paid infiltrator/informant.


  5. Lawyers lie all the time.....

  6. If he's not a government asset, prosecute his ass.

  7. Kidnap and torture to find out the truth...

    1. Then disappear him "For the encouragement of others."

  8. Didja read the part where Epps' lawyer says he's a true expert about FBI stuff? Because he's a former FBI agent?

    -Mike G.

  9. Wellllllll, if his lawyer says it is so, it must be so.

  10. Maybe he's a CIA operative, or one of Soro's boys. Actually that could be the same thing.

  11. Jan 6 was a government incited, run and executed program run for the purpose of demonizing anyone who believes in the constitution.

  12. OKay... so who was Ray Epps working for on Jan 6? Something smells to high heaven and the source as a DC address.


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