
Friday, January 28, 2022

Sierra Hull LIVE at the Bluegrass Hall of Fame and Museum

I've been a fan of this young lady since maybe 2010, 2011? I can't remember, but it's been a good long while now. She's a talented guitar player, but she really shines on the mandolin.

VIDEO HERE  (1 hour 37 minutes)


  1. Pickett County’s own.

  2. Her and Billy Strings ought to get together, if they haven't already . . .

    1. They have. Here's one:

  3. I saw her on one of the hillbilly shows on Youtube singing "River of Jordan" with Ricky Scaggs and his wife. Beautiful song, beautiful voice. Don't be triggered by the "hillbilly". Back in the 40's, my dad had a program on WERD in Atlanta(at about 0500) called "Hillbilly Harry Lee and his One Man Jamboree. I don't think WERD carries that kind of stuff these days. Actually, my dad wasn't a hillbilly, he was more a South Georgia Redneck.


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