
Tuesday, January 04, 2022

The Way Out

Here are two questions pertinent to our times: (1) How would you reduce the greatest free republic in history to despotism in a short time? and (2) How would you stop that from happening? The answer to the first question has been provided in these last two disastrous years. The answer to the second has begun to emerge in recent months. Both are worthy of study.


  1. (1) OK
    (2) lolz not even close! Lots of pretty words, though. Very politically correct, no parasites were offended by his thesis.

    1. Apropos of absolutely nothing you said, Financier and Philanthropist Paul Singer is said to donate generously to Conservative Causes. He is a Great Man. (Ignore what the good people of Sidney, Nebraska, or the nation of Peru, might think of him. They are obviously jealous and hateful.)

  2. God Bless America.
    From across the Pond. With love.

  3. Very good speech. Typical of the high-quality work that one can expect from Hillsdale College.

  4. The evil leftists who have seized power and are working diligently to destroy America listen and respond to only one language.....violence. Nothing else will be needed.

  5. The question that should be asked is: "If the Biden regime was trying to 'reduce the greatest free republic in history to despotism in a short time', what would they be doing differently?"

  6. Last two years? Last *TWO* years? HAH! They've been working on this shit since they convinced Mr. Lincoln to do that greenback bullshit.

    And then provided federal funding to schools teaching children. It's all been downhill from there. Slowly, yes. But steadily.

    IMHO there ought to be three things listed in the constitution as pernicious evils forbidden to all signatory governments.

    1. legal tender laws (i.e. fiat money. Yes we have both of these evils today.)
    2. Charity of any sort.
    3. Education, especially of children.

    Note that NONE of these are authorized by the constitution, but the damned conniving feds do it anyway, and the judicial branch of the same claims it's OK. It's not.

    Anyway, these three are inherently corrupting to the political process. Legal tender laws are in there, but it's not specified that the feds are forbidden from them, just the states. And government "Charity" is nothing more or less than using taxpayer dollars to buy votes. AND it doesn't work worth a damn. (i.e. rampant fraud, fathers leaving their children because it's the best thing for them financially, etc.)

    And education can NEVER be done in an unbiased manner. Specifically, education paid for by the government will ALWAYS leave out things prejudicial to their interests. I.E. they will never teach children to keep an eye on the local mayor and city council for corruption and overreach.


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