
Friday, January 28, 2022

What Does Vladimir Putin Have on Joe Biden?

Vladimir Putin didn’t need the green light that Joe Biden gave Russian forces during his marathon press conference last Thursday for a “minor incursion” into Ukraine. The Russian president already knew the U.S. commander in chief couldn’t stop him even if he wanted to. Sure, Putin has seen the polling and knows foreign entanglements won’t help a Democrat hemorrhaging support from his own party.

But that doesn’t seem to be all. You don’t need a secret dossier authored by a British ex-spy for hire like Christopher Steele to understand the possible weird real-world mirror version of Russiagate. This time, it’s basically all out in the open—or at least it was, until the press and social media scrubbed reports of Hunter Biden’s laptop from the internet in the run-up to the 2020 election. The laptop, whose provenance and contents have both since checked out beyond any shadow of doubt, give evidence of Hunter’s financial relationships with foreign officials and businesses, like the more than $50,000 per month he got for sitting on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, starting in the spring of 2014.


  1. "What Does Vladimir Putin Have on Joe Biden...?"

    About twice the IQ, before the dementia, higher testosterone, and probably the inside story on those Biden family Ukrainian deals.

  2. I don't know that Putin has the skinny on FJB et al just yet, but I bet the Ukrainians do and that's why the push to go in and stop the Russians from getting that info.

  3. Both the Ukrainians and the CCP have enough dirt on hunter boy to bury him . Im sure there are all kinds of interesting videos he doesnt know about . Extortion anyone?

  4. well, we signed a treaty that said we would defend ukraine if they gave up their nukes.

    if we're not going to defend them, we should give them the nukes back.

    it's only fair...


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