
Friday, January 14, 2022

Why would they even need such a list?

A tiny administrative agency in the District of Columbia announced a new policy Tuesday that will likely serve as a model for a whole-of-government push to assemble lists of Americans who object on religious grounds to a COVID-19 vaccine.


  1. What the hell are these idjits doing? Have they never heard of HIPPA? Let the lawsuits fly!

  2. Got news for ya, Unkle Samski...we got our own lists...
    Wanna dance?

  3. We can ALL make lists.

  4. Soon they all will be placed on cattle cars.

  5. It will lead to more and more lists of people who the government don't like.

  6. I object to the "vaccine" because it's poison & it does not work. Religion has absolutely zero to do with it. Put me on THAT list.

  7. A guy named McCarthy made lists too.

  8. These gomers had better be careful, they are treading on exceedingly thin ice and are about ti get the full brunt of a reset against them. It would take nothin gat all to push it over the edge: it is the Right of the People to alter or ABOLISH it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. And it damn sure ain't gonna be of a sort they would approve of. Since for the most part, those seeking the destruction of the Constitutional Republic we are supposed to be living in now, would have been sent to the hereafter.

  9. So right now the commies in the US are frustrated that they do not have the control that the australians have. Everyone locked up and listening to them. So every time the commies are thwarted they come up with an end around. And this is the end around of trying to figure out who is trying to question their power. So.... If the midterms have gop get the majority, how does this change? You have mcconnell run by his chinese wife. Mccarthy run by pelosi. Nothing changes.

  10. I'm in the boat with the Federal Mandate. I've not been vaccinated and will not be, on religious grounds that all COVID vaccines use abortion-derived fetal tissue either in its manufacture or testing. I was SUPPOSED to be fired Nov 19, 2021 but so far I'm just waiting it out. They've said nothing to me, as of yet. If they do fire me I expect to obtain a conservative lawyer and institute an EEO lawsuit. About 50 million would be sufficient to salve my conscience enough to allow my retirement.

  11. "we are Mandalorians. weapons are part of our religion."
    I watched it with the kids, I'm going to go with that.
    Original Grandpa

    1. Sounds right to me too! Ohio Guy

  12. Auch in Deutschland haben wir Listen geführt.


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