
Friday, January 14, 2022

Pieta for the 41st Photograph

[NOTE: The Beslan school siege (also re­ferred to as the Beslan school hostage crisis or the Beslan massacre) was a ter­ror­ist at­tack that started on Sep­tem­ber 1, 2004, lasted three days, in­volved the im­pris­on­ment of more than 1,100 peo­ple as hostages (in­clud­ing 777 children) and ended with the deaths of 333 peo­ple, 186 of them children, as well as 31 of the attackers. It is con­sid­ered to be the dead­liest schoolshoot­ing in human history. Written September 4, 2004 — In another place and time.]

The soldier with the unlit cigarette carrying the little girl in filthy underwear with a long smear of blood across her nose and down her chin.

The boy that lies in his father’s lap covered with crusts of blood gazing upward at nothing, nothing at all except his own pain.


  1. Moslems doing islam again. Workin towards Mo's caliphate.

  2. Gerard is one of the best writers in the world.

    Steve in Ky

  3. One of the most devastating tales from that day was of the one soldier who saw a little girl jump off a window out of the gym already on fire after the explosions, but stood paralyzed because of the shooting going on. She turned around and started to climb back and a soldier came on the radio begging for permission to shoot her in the leg to stop her from going to a certain death.
    The request was never approved, she climbed back inside. Her body was found later after all was done and "pacified."

  4. Well THAT just dimmed a bright and sunny day.
    Those people - that Country - just know no bounds.
    Can't read the full article; wet eyes no good for reading the screen.
    Joe better get his shit together. This could be a big one.

    ....Waiting in PA for the storm...

  5. 'Terror At Beslan' by Giduck is worth the time.


  6. Sad to say this but Beslan was an inside job.

  7. never forget the evil that is islam.

    I would be a vigilante until the end of my days if I lived in that region.


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