
Friday, February 18, 2022

A BAC of .05%??? That's what, one drink?

SALT LAKE CITY - Traffic deaths decreased in Utah after the state enacted the strictest drunken driving laws in the nation five years ago, new research published Friday by a U.S. government agency shows.


I had no idea it was that low there.


  1. Promoted by Karen safetyists at the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety group. Easy to sell to Mormons, who abstain. Americans are often suckers for laws and taxes on other people.

  2. Personally - I've had a dui and in my wise old age (LOL) - I refuse to drink and drive. Even if 1 drink - I don't want the fking headache or to give "authority" an opportunity to have any more say in my life than absolutely necessary.

    As a truly wise person told me his advice to his kids - "if your going to be stupid, at least be smart about it".

    Just not worth it.


  3. After several disturbing interactions with local, I now avoid Utah.
    They don't cotton to strangers, and out-of-state plates may invite uncomfortable scrutiny.
    Best mind your Ps and Qs...

    Too bad- Utah is a beautiful State.

    1. depends on which out-of-state plate

  4. And in the last 2 years, how much have traffic fatalities decreased in neighboring states? Especially if we test for Covid before declaring traffic fatalities traffic fatalities.

  5. Defective software in the breathalyzers can routinely produce that.

  6. Fucking lightweights

  7. Living in Utah makes you want to drink. Mormons don't want you to drink.

    I see a conflict.

  8. Morons can't handle their booze?

  9. My experience is that we all are different. People who drink regularly handle it much better than I would given that I quit drinking thirty years ago.

  10. Just make it zero tolerance. Making it 0.05 is just trying to increase revenue.

  11. I've always said that .08% was way too low. The VAST majority of DUI accidents are caused by folks .15% or higher. At .08%, most folks drive a lot better than any woman talking on the phone or texting - or, most Asians.

  12. because nobody said it... it's been .05 in Australia since forever. Personally it pisses me off that it's okay to drive a "little bit drunk" but get caught with anything else in your system, even a minute trace, and you're walking home with a huge, huge, fine and no car for 6 months. Australia has "lick the stick" 60 second drug testing kits, and these days coppers are more likely to demand a "lick the stick" over "blow in the bag" too.

  13. Why do you take two Mormons fishing with you? Because if you only brought one he would drink all your beer. So here are my observations having moved to Utah almost 5 years ago.. First off if the SHTF they know where I live and what I drink. I'm carded (I'm 60) and it's recorded every time I go to the state liquor store which charges up to twice as much as Kali, from whence I originate. You can buy beer in a grocery store, but that's it. State liquor stores have a fairly limited selection compared to the homeland. I did recently discover that you can buy Asian cooking liquor in an Asian store. Hmmm. I prefer cough medicine, but hey, variety. There is one bar in this city where I live and you can get a mixed drink. Park City has many more options, lawless bastards. I don't really see any evidence that out of staters are being targeted, but if they are, so be it. At the end of the day everything and I do mean everything is a Mormon thing.

  14. The do gooders who can never leave well enough alone will not quit till they have made the legal limit 0.0% in every state. That is their ultimate goal. And the criminals in office have no problem going along with that effort.

  15. I had a brand new truck totalled by a girl who blew .06 1.5 hours after the accident.
    She didn't know that she was in an accident, when questioned by the trooper at the scene and refused a breathalyzer.

  16. Just wait until they find coffee in your system! Severe penalties.

  17. O.08 here unless you have a CDL, they cut it in half for that. 0.04 is one beer. Not worth drinking when I'm on call.


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