
Friday, February 18, 2022

Alec Baldwin 'Rust' set shooting recreated in video simulation

In support of their wrongful death lawsuit against Alec Baldwin and numerous others involved in the "Rust" movie production, lawyers for the family of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins released a video simulation of the on-set gunshot that left her dead in Santa Fe in October.


Be sure to watch the 10 minute video at the link, and be sure to watch the whole thing. The last minute or so lists how badly he fucked up.
And I'm really curious to see how his supporters and the so-called 'experts' are going to spin this.


  1. "The attorneys for Hutchins' husband, Matthew Hutchins, and son, Andros, also argued that there was no need for Baldwin to have been holding a prop gun at the time – when cameras weren’t rolling."

    I think this is the one argument I don't agree with. I can totally understand needing to rehearse and get things lined up. It's nearly everything ELSE about the process that was FUBAR.

    1. The industry standard procedure requires a rehearsal of firearms scenes with a non-functional replica prior to filming the scene. If for some reason a live weapon must be used in rehearsal, it must be unloaded and cleared by the Armorer.

      Not even blank rounds are allowed to be loaded into a weapon during a rehearsal.

      And Actors are not supposed to do anything with a weapon except under commands from the Director.

      These are long-standing safety procedures in the industry. Baldwin ignored all of them.

  2. You know if it the accident had involved anyone else than a celeb, that person would have been served with charges, been arraigned and posted bail.

  3. I don't blame Alec Baldwin. I blame his mother. She should have strangled him the moment he was born.
    (Quoting Bud Spencer as spoken to Terrance Hill.)

  4. A non celebrity would have been tried, convicted and sued for every penny he had.

  5. In the meantime, he delayed giving up his phone which the police had a warrant for, FOR MONTHS, yet he's still walking around a free man. If that was any of us, they'd be piping us light for the rest of our lives. Another prime example of rules for thee, but not for me.


  6. Arrogance is what caused this...He's always been an arrogant, know it all, son of a bitch, and it bit him in the ass.... in the process, caused the death of another human being....time will tell if justice is served.....I'm betting not....

  7. Don't know about you guys, but I'm sick to death of the "Just-Us" legal system we've devolved to. How about some equal justice, as in it doesn't matter what your name or position in society may be, the law's the law and that's that.
    Baldwin as the shooter should have been arrested and arraigned without bail because he's a serious flight risk.


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