
Friday, February 04, 2022

All you need to know about duck dicks

On the Venn diagram of strange animal mating behaviors — from lobster golden showers to garter-snake orgies — duck sex is on the border between cartoonish and sadistic. 

That’s right, our beloved mallards engage in some seriously disturbing mating behavior. The “dark side” of duck mating has its own chapter in the new book “The Evolution of Beauty: How Darwin’s Forgotten Theory of Mate Choice Shapes the Animal World — and Us” by Yale ornithology professor Richard O. Prum. It’s a controversial subject, earning notoriety in 2013 after news leaked that the federal government contributed $400,000 to study the mating habits of ducks — dubbed “duckpenisgate” by Mother Jones.


  1. Since the 1820s, it's the perfect allegory for all US politicians vs. US humanity...long, twisted, dark, and sexually forced gang rape.

  2. I was right, I shouldn't have clicked on the link. Unless you're a bird biologist or a vet, that's really more info than the average person needs to know. Yah, no sense of humor, today. ;-))


  3. I live next to a creek where there's flocks of mallards. A few years ago I witnessed a gang rape where four males surrounded a female Mallard and took turns mounting her. It was violent and brutal.


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