
Friday, February 18, 2022

Bill Gates says Covid risks have ‘dramatically reduced’ but another pandemic is coming

Bill Gates said Friday that the risks of severe disease from Covid-19 have “dramatically reduced” but another pandemic is all but certain. 

Speaking to CNBC’s Hadley Gamble at Germany’s annual Munich Security Conference, Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, said that a potential new pandemic would likely stem from a different pathogen to that of the coronavirus family.


  1. What a bunch of b.s.

    1. Listen to the $cience...

    2. Sounds like "Dr." Gates knows something we don't.
      This guy sure didn't get the memo about "the Meek" inheriting the earth.


  2. Of course he says that, he's partially responsible for this one

  3. Wonder ya reckon how he can be so's almost like he......

    1. it's all part of the plan. the last plandemic didn't work out like they had hoped for, a world depopulation. yes it killed millions but not enough of a population decrease for the new world order conspirators to achieve their goals. a 2/3 reduction of the worlds population.
      think people, for gods sake think!
      just remember that last years conspiracy theories are now today's facts.

    2. The coof wasn't designed to kill lots of people. It was designed to 1) get people to follow in lockstep with *anything* they're told, and 2) get people accustomed to the jab, which the 'side effects' are only beginning. IMO.

  4. Yep....I wonder how he knows with such certainty.

  5. Due for a dirt nap.

    Proof that 1 prick can change your life.


  6. Let me's called Windows 11?

  7. I don't even trust my own doctor now but I'm supposed to listen to Bill Gates? BTW I'm an old fuck and pure blood to boot. Covid don't scare me.

  8. Yeh, new pandemic. Rat Lung Worm. Discovered in FL. Gee, I wonder where THAT came from? Couldn't be all of those "refugees"; oops, sorry, I misspelled invaders, from Latin America and points South East and West that Buydem has been shipping there by the plane, train and bus load for the last year could it?


    1. Remember those lab monkeys in FL that got loose & exposed people to God knows what?
      Never heard much more about that.

  9. Whaat? Another Dempanic is cumming? Whodaguessed? The last one was manufactured. Why would we not expect another? Soft Kill
    Look it up, know what it means.

  10. What bought and paid for disease is he planning on having released?

  11. Import third world savages and you get third world diseases free of charge .

  12. Come on guys, have a heart. He doesn't know where his next $10 billion is coming from.

    Phil B

  13. Says the man that says over population is our biggest problem, and has the money to do something about it.

  14. Remember kiddies to always trust the science (and follow the money)

  15. According to the Georgia Guidestones the human population must be reduced to 500 million.
    So, they want to kill more than twothirds.

    And if the numbers of England are correct than with every jab you destroy your immunesystem more and more.
    So, soon we will see lots of death.
    I think I saw at voxday an information where it was said that insurance companies make re-insurances to very bad condition. But those are very good condition if an awful lot of people die. At least 300.000 must die to have the desired effect.

    And besides: I wouldnt be surprised if a killswitch virus exists that kills everybody who took the jab.
    But for those needed (workers for water, electricity etc) they will be offered an antidote.
    Alex Lund

  16. Maybe the "Bill & Linda Gates Foundation" isn't quite as philanthropic in reality as they would have us believe.

  17. So what if these fucks planned Covid as a test of how far people would bend-over for a virus. Now that they've seen the reaction and compliance, we shouldn't be too surprised if a REAL motherfucker of a virus is released on us, something like Ebola that takes out 50% of those infected. After seeing the reactions to Covid, can't you just imagine the chaos if they pull that one out of their trick bag?
    And personally I could give two shits about what Bill Gates thinks or says. He got very lucky being in the right place at the right time and imo he doesn't come close to being a genius, he's just very rich.


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