
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Bill Would Add a Federal Gun Control Fee To Every Background Check

A proposal from a New York Democrat would tack on a mandatory new federal fee to every background check done for a gun sale. 

The measure, dubbed the "Protecting Americans from Gun Violence Act of 2022," was introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives last week. Sponsored by U.S. Rep. Nydia Velázquez, the bill would establish a fund to pay for federal "gun violence research" while at the same time saddling victims of gun theft with fines and threats of imprisonment should they forget to report a firearm stolen.


Let me simplify this for you: With every gun you buy from an FFL dealer, you're being forced to contribute to an effort to keep you from buying more guns.


  1. I would go along with this (taxing a Constitutional right) if they also implement a fee to vote. Same thing, right?

    1. Hopefully yours is only a rhetorical suggestion. The jewels of our rights are never under any circumstance to be bargained no matter the perceived gain.
      Once rights are put in play they will be chipped and chiseled away.
      I feel so strongly about this that I say that anyone, their ideology or their cause notwithstanding, is at least foolishly dancing on thin ice; at most an enemy of America.

    2. OK. Next up: fees for speaking and publishing, churches, being a citizen (on top of the IRS scam), supporting our armed forces shall I continue? OTOH background checks for the foregoing are on the way in.

    3. Rick, never to be bargained? Seriously?

      That ship sailed about 70 years ago

  2. not sure about you other guys, but here in pa. it like anywhere from 5 bucks to 25 depending on the dealer= the state charges 5 bucks a time. some dealers charge more for something ?

    1. Here in KY, the only thing I pay is a dealer transfer if I am having a piece shipped in from another FFL. Never paid a background fee. Face to face sales have no paperwork. Buy from a local dealer and a few of the big boxes, I don't have a FBGC if I show my concealed deadly weapons license.

    2. $10 fee in Tennessee, which is why they do it in-state instead of using NCIC.

  3. Because, if you've paid the Danegeld the first... second... hundreth, time -- why, of course, the Dane will just go away.

  4. "gun violence research"????
    You know, no longer picking up criminals may have something to do with it?

  5. After 8 years of obamananna, you should already have enough guns.
    Well, that's another matter.



    1. I really like to get one of those new springfield sa-35 myself. then I be done.

    2. That is a sweet looking piece of gear. God Bless John Browning!

  6. Replies
    1. Do you have any idea what that costs?????

    2. The Second Amendment is everyone's CCW. Nemo

    3. $20 when I renewed last summer. I show to the local FFL, fill out the 4473, he copies my info, no phone call, no computer check, I walk out with my firearm. Worth it for the $20 to me. YMMV.

    4. Working around it is what got us here.

  7. gun violence research... So .gov and the sycophants in the media can invent more lies about law abiding citizens. Got it. Meanwhile, felons in possession aren't being prosecuted in blue states.

    But of course THAT minor detail won't make into the final report because it doesn't fit the agenda.


    1. +1 for that comment. This is the same government that pays for crack pipes for addicts. This all makes sense to lunatic lefty's.

  8. 'Gun Violence Research' has been very, very good to California's head gun violence researcher.

    Guess which political party he votes for, financially contributes to and holds fealty to.

  9. Another non-American trying to destroy America.

  10. “Gun violence research” everybody knows what causes gun violence. Be honest, those guns are sneaking out of safes and drawers and going on rampages. They take mind control over impressionable yout’ and force them to shoot each other.

  11. Buy from an FFL ? People still do that?????

  12. Machine shops don't ask for illegal fees.


  13. They only do one background check if you buy multiple firearms, so buy more than one and bundle your purchases.


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