
Thursday, February 17, 2022

And people will voluntarily bring their toddlers in...

WEST SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Family doctors and pediatricians in the Sacramento region are preparing for if the COVID-19 vaccine is approved soon for children under the age of 5 years old.


  1. Horrible to say but maybe it's good these people do not procreate.

    1. Seems like they would have had to procreate, unless they're bringing someone else's kids....

  2. KCRA 3, Sacramento is State Run Media. They used to actually report some news occasionally, but for the last two years it's been all Covid, all the time.
    If you read this article it's easy to see how they've been cheerleading these poison injections for almost two years now. And now they'll be telling us that if you don't give your six month old baby three shots in his first year of life you're a rotten parent.

  3. Today I received a steroid injection to treat back pain. New is the doctor's office beginning to make C-19 vaxx a condition of further treatment for pain management. The doc is becoming more adamant about witholding treatment to the unvaxxed, aka 'pure bloods. This is St Jude in SoCal.

  4. Under 5 voters? Sure they can vote and pay taxes and have virtually natural immunity. Makes sense in the ninth circle of Hell.

  5. In addition to having small children jabbed, which I think is ludicrous beyond belief given all of the problems with much older children, I read elsewhere this AM that Fraudci is saying that there will be a yearly jab, like the flu shots which don't work either.

    You're EIGHTY YEARS OLD Fraudci. Retire already and leave the rest of us alone
    before you see a Morbak in your immediate future.


  6. Where did they find children to test the vaccine on? Satanist!

    Paul J

    1. Test? we don't need no freaking test!

    2. these people ARE the test group.

      why do you think they're trying so hard to get rid of the control group?

  7. One thing, in 5 years only the unvaxx will walk the Earth. The rest will be pushing up daisies.

  8. This is Darwin at work. Parents that submit their children to experimental medical treatment when they aren't sick and have low risk of getting sick and even lower risk of dying if they get sick ... well those parents are just writing their genetics out of the gene pool. How stupid do you have to be to believe and trust government? This is how the population will get less stupid.


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