
Wednesday, February 02, 2022

My Bout With Covid

About four weeks and a few days ago on a Friday, my wife and I drove to another city to take care of my mother in the ER of a hospital. She was there for something other than Covid. By the end of the day when we left, she had a test come in positive for Covid. That was on a Friday.

By Monday I started suspecting that I was very sick, and I got on Ivermectin early on.  Tuesday my wife and I took a Covid test, and it was positive.  I didn’t need a test.  I knew.

Tuesday was the day I wanted to die.  It was the worst day of the bout.  My kidneys ached and hurt and I just suffered back pain along my kidneys like I had never experienced.  Apparently, there is a lot of stuff produced from this disease that your body is having to expel.  This disease leaves behind an enormous amount of biological trash for your body to take out.

Wednesday I was a bit better, and Thursday just a bit better.  Coming back from this is a slow process.  By day ten or so, while I was dealing with a lot of head congestion and still coughing a bit, I had essentially beaten the bug.  Or so I thought.


  1. That sounds like what I'm going through. I thought that bit about not being able to taste was so much bs. Nope. I took a shot of Fireball. Didn't taste any cinnamon, didn't taste much whisky, it just tasted bitter. Although, now I can answer definitively and affirmatively, the question my high school English teacher once asked our class: "what do you guys use your heads for, a storage space for snot when you have a head cold?" I can't recall what made her so angry, since that class was composed of model students who were little angels.

    1. I thought a bunch of stuff was BS too until it got me in September. At my worst I had a 104.9 fever for 3 days or so. When that broke, I felt like a herd of elephants were standing on chest so off to the ER I go. EKG was "that of a teenager" so monoclonal stuff was given and in about an hour I was a complete 180 from how I felt going in. My taste and smell never went away but I could really taste the sweet and salty in everything to the tune of losing 52 pounds in about a week and a half and had the shits the whole time. During this whole time my wife was in the hospital with covid and I nearly lost her that time. Yea, there is no denying the virus is there but still no reason for the bullshit mandates.

  2. Where does one purchase Ivermectin?

    1. Tractor Supply. It may be available online only, depending on your location.
      That's enough for 25 doses for a 200 pound person.

      You'll need to also buy a syringe there to use as a measuring device ONLY. You don't inject it, you put 1cc for every 50 kilograms of body weight into a glass of juice and chug it.
      It's okay to go a little over - I weigh 170 pounds and dose myself with 2cc every Friday as a preventive measure.

    2. I got the ivermectin paste that you give orally. Tastes horrible but it works.

    3. Might want to mention not to use Insulin syringes. Needle is way to small and they don't have the volume you need. 3cc x20/22 1" will run around $26/100.

    4. Also Steve, if you're in a rural area with agriculture you probably have an independent Ag Store of some kind near you. Most will also have it in stock

    5. I buy it from valley vet supply. 1000 ml is 10,000 mg.
      On a unrelated note amazon sells dropper bottles in 25 packs.
      If you want to give it away.
      Steve in Ky

    6. You don't need syringes....WAY way easier to get yourself some AMBER (not clear) medicine bottles with bulb-dropper tops (easy to find companies online, just for the love of God don't buy from Amazon), fill with ivy, and use dropper to put in a measuring spoon (convert cc's to teaspoons easy online). Once you see how many dropper squeezes you need to fill your tsp. dose you don't even need the tsp. anymore....i.e., I just use 3 squeezes. Easy-peasy. Just be SURE to keep your ivy (in your dropper bottle and the remainder in the original bottle with stopper on) in a cool (not refridg.), DARK place....ivy is easily degraded by light.

    7. squirt the paste near the that not on the tongue then swallow and drink/ eat something to wash it down

    8. Stay away from ERs. 7 hour wait even for broken hand. If they say you got covid run. They are looking for money from the govt. Go home take horse paste and zinc/c/d3/ Quentin/ tylenol/ disconnect the phone/ eat chicken soup / drink till you past out. your'll be fine in 10 days.

    9. Susan, the syringe seems easier seeing as any farm supply store sells them.

    10. TRIB, before I secured a good supply of the liquid, I used the paste. I just put my dose on a piece of bread and wolfed it down.

    11. Some of the IVM is in syringe friendly containers, and the 3cc/ 3ml syringe with a 20 ga. needle works well. 2 cc is one adult dose for stuff I have(yes, I've needed it). Got my IVM from a horsey-set supply in Amish country, and the needles/syringes from Tractor Supply. Local TS stores have really clamped down on selling anything with IVM in it.

    12. Bought mine from India. Easy to find on google, there's number of them. 3, 6, & 12mg. Bought a couple 100 pills. Also some HCQ. The one I used won't charge your card until delivery is confirmed.

      That paste used to be $2-3, last time I bought some it was $35. Whatinthelivingfuck??? That works out to ~$6/dose


      Zinc is the bullet, quercetin (HCQ, Ivermectin ionophores) are the gun.

      You can replicate his mix OTC or buy 90 pills for $55.


    14. Also online Reliable Pharmacy or Honeybee health.


  3. If you can’t find ivermectin....The Zelenko protocol....

    Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, quercertin (apple peal), or EGCg (green tea extract)....
    as the catalyst to get zinc, vitamin c, and vitamin d into your body to prevent the viral production of Covid1984.


  4. How do I get the Hydroxychloroquine?

    1. Book an online appt with one of the FLCCC docs

      If you can't get HCQ, get some OTC's a zinc ionophore like HCQ; while not as strong, it's still effective. But you must take the zinc with either the HCQ or the quercitine....the former is the bullet; the latter 2 are the keys that open the cell 'lock'.

      Do keep in mind that HCQ only works well in the initial stages of infection; Ivermectine works through all stages, but is most effective when started immediately at onset. Early treatment is KEY to a good outcome.

    2. FWIW, I came a cross a pre-covid medical paper, which said long-term use of zinc supplementation needed some copper in the mix to keep things from going off the rails. Zinc-copper mixes are available from health food places.


    3. Thanks for the advice. I've got my wife at home with me now and she's having a rough time of it. Breathing not too bad, thank God (93-94 O2 Sat), but she's really uncomfortable. I ordered the Ivermectin from Tractor Supply (thanks for that, Ken) and expect it to be ready any time now. I can still give it to her, right?

    4. Paulie - YES!!! Here's more information on it:

  5. I second the notion of nasal lavage. This "bug" acts like a rhino virus; so make the breeding ground (nasal passages) inhospitable for their generation. Also, a very diluted nasal rinse and gargle that may be helpful;

  6. Ken, you're correct about on-line only. There are three TS stores in my general area. When I called up the Ivermectin page for all three local stores, then clicked the in-store/curbside pickup option, the only Ivermectin products remaining after the page reloaded where the topical solutions for different breeds of livestock.

    So, online only for the human/animal ingestion variety.

    I know most here will understand that the topical solutions are NOT MEANT FOR INGESTION BY HUMANS, but I'm putting this warning here anyway.

    You will also see the warning on each of the topical solution items.


    1. I was in Tractor Supply yesterday and they had it on the shelf. For a while it was online only at my local store.

    2. DO NOT use topical!!
      They typically has additives you do not want.
      Use 1% sterile injectable

  7. Individual 3 cc syringes should be available at Tractor Supply, if you are just using it as a measuring tool you only need one. A preventive dose of ivermectin should be ok taken once a month, if your dog is on the once a month med for heartworm, it is on ivermectin.
    According a University of Florida study, lactoferrin and benedryl together will top 99% of the virus replication. All of these remedies for covid fall in value quickly if not taken asap with infection, since most are pretty harmless being paranoid might be best. How harmless you ask? Well ivermectin has been dosed in humans 4.3 billion, yes billion, times. There have been 16 reported deaths from the drug.

  8. I have a history of blood clots in my heart so no jab for me. Local doctor prescribed ivermectin last August as a prophylactic. I get it at the pharmacy.

    I caught a dose of the cooties in October. I knew it immediately. Like a knife cut taste and smell went away. Doctor doubled my dose for a week. Never really was sicker than a mild cold. Back on the regular dose. My prescription is good til April.

  9. HCQ has some antiviral properties on its own, but the way it works in the treatment of covid is as a zinc ionophore ie, it transports zinc through the cell membrane into the cell where it interferes with viral replication. Quercetin has the same property and can be an effective substitute if HCQ is unobtainable.

  10. So covid is real! Wow, who knew

    1. Nobody's denied it was real, Anon. If it wasn't real I wouldn't be dosing myself every Friday with Ivermectin and vitamins on a daily basis. It just didn't warrant putting us through all that bullshit with mask mandates, vaccination mandates and lockdowns.
      Think of all the businesses, lives and dreams ruined over something that has a 99.7% survival rate. Then think of all these young folks dying from strokes, blood clots and enlarged hearts because they believed the bullshit your government handed them.

    2. Just remember,
      No politician missed a meal, during the lockdown,
      No politician missed getting paid during the lockdown,
      No politician was forced to stay home during the lockdown,
      No politician was inconvenienced by the lockdown.
      So tell me again how all this is for our benefit

    3. Hey, its your gov as well!

      I've just heard too many people, plenty on here, question whether covid even exists.

    4. Gotcha.
      What's amazing me now is the number of people commenting here that have gotten it - so being affected greatly by it, others, not so much.

    5. Everyone knows that the China flu EXISTS. My wife is recovering from it now and my daughter and granddaughter have already had their bout. My issue is the government response and this jab. Most of my friends have submitted and just kind of shrugged at me when I told them 'no fuckin way am I going to be part of that experiment'. Not much of a problem with them or me since, until my best friend (who got the jabs) had a fucking heart attack and died--while I was talking to him on the phone. So: I'm the wrong guy to needle (no pun intended) about the greatest con job ever foisted upon mankind.

  11. The Spartacus Letter, Explaining Chinky-pox better than the corporate media ever could.

  12. TDW-Mark II and acquired Da Rona a couple of weeks ago. Felt kind of feverish one night. Got tested the next day, and, Tag! I'm It!.

    Fortunately, we got The Punk Rona: kind of fatigued, sort of mildly achy, lotsa snot, plenty of coughing. Recovered nearly 100% by day 7. Co-workers appear to have contracted The Hell's Angels Rona: fever, chills, dizziness, bad body aches, lost taste, lost smell.

    I'm north of 60, heart pt, mildly overweight. Had one J & J jab. Work as a provider in, basically, a Covid clinic.


    Best of luck to y'all.


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