
Friday, February 18, 2022

Study Finds That Ethanol May Be Worse For Climate Than Gasoline

Ask riders about ethanol and you’ll probably get some audible hissing—and maybe even the reflexive, protective hugging of a fuel tank or two. While we’ve long understood that ethanol can have ill effects on bikes, a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that it may have other downsides, too. Ethanol was supposed to be environmentally advantageous as compared to gasoline—but if this study is correct, it seems that it may not be doing that, either.


  1. Not the first study to show that.

  2. So, something else they lied about to give tax dollars away for ethanol production subsidies which benefit the giant Ag companies. Who'd have EVER suspected THAT!


  3. Makes my Mustang GT go VROOOOOMMMM! Honestly, with just a cold air intake and a tune for E85 I'm getting slightly over 500whp.

    1. You get about 10% less energy per gallon from ethanol mix than straight (pre 2005 blend) gas. When it was first mandated, I took 6 months of mileage data from my car. 24 mpg to 22 mpg doing the same daily trips.
      Bought ADM stock to make up for that....
      Note the huge bump with the mandate. Lots of ethanol tank cars on the railroads, GBX,
      Some connected folks made a lot of money.

  4. "New study" - fuck, there are a bunch of them. Instead of FOOD (that requires heaping nutrients to grow), could use grasses... but no politics in big fields of grass.

    It's so fuking stupid even Michael Moore the lib pig, made a movie about how fuked up the green movement is - he was honest for a change.

    Can watch Planet of the Humans on youtube for free. The honesty is eye opening for the uninformed.


  5. Hell, I could have told them that.....

  6. This has been known for quite some time. It's not done for the environment, it's done for the environmentalists. And the corn industry in the corn belt (think Iowa caucuses)

  7. Isn't Ethanol from corn (versus sugar cane) a net negative when it comes to energy (more fossil fuel goes into generating corn Ethanol than you get out of corn Ethanol)? If so, of course it's worse for the environment than gasoline. The same is true with California fuel arrive (MTB?). But once a beauracratic whack job gets something in place, they aren't going to back down. Consider Faucci and mask mandates.

    1. Ethanol has roughly 30% less energy than does gasoline.

      It's been 20 years since MTBE has been a mandated additive for fuel in California. The geniuses realized it was bad news when they figured out it gave gasoline a higher specific gravity than water and when underground tanks leaked the leaking fuel went into aquifers, polluting them. I specifically remember the outcry when at least two gas stations in the Tahoe basin had it happen and that's when the powers that be immediately jerked MTBE as an additive and memory-holed it's use as it demonstrated the utter stupidity of the people who thought using it was a good idea.

  8. Study 1005 paid for by govt. hand out. ending in same result. Corn Juice sucks. Now wait for study 1006. The mega factory farms run this show. They make a killing while family farms get fucked by the price.

  9. God made ethanol for one thing.
    Eny fule kno that ethanol and driving is not a good thing.

  10. SMH, idiots are everywhere.
    The answers are so obvious even a blind person can see it, use corn to make liquor not fuel .....

  11. Tractor for planting
    Irrigation, water does not move without horsepower
    Let's spray roundup on it,, nuther tractor
    More water
    Compost it, make alcohol,
    Add it to gas
    And Then try to con me into believing that
    Eliminating the acreage of FOOD production to make 10% of the volume of gas..while I watch the corn juice wreck the rubber lines and mess up the carburetor,,,

    Okay, I'm ready
    Keep pumping me fullaShit

  12. I had a 90 mile round trip to work. I drove a 6 cylinder S-10.
    It was mostly highway driving and when they decided to mandate food in my gas tank- the mileage went from a solid 22 1/2 MPG to 18.

    I really doubt that they (DeeCee) will do anything next year (like halt the mandate) when the fertilizer crunch sends the food we have to put in our tanks sky high along with out gas prices.

  13. What they are not least not openly is they don't want any of us peons driving anything or going anywhere. That is their actual goal. It's pretty damn hard to subjugate a society that can come and go as it pleases. So one of their major goals is the complete end of all privately owned vehicles. Making the fuel to expensive and too "dangerous" for the environment is just part of their strategy.


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