
Monday, March 14, 2022

Alec Baldwin blames late Halyna Hutchins in fatal ‘Rust’ shooting: new docs

Alec Baldwin filed legal papers Friday denying any responsibility for shooting dead Halyna Hutchins — even blaming the late cinematographer for giving him the directions that led to the deadly accident.


  1. Alec is an ass.....

  2. Alec Baldwin is a borderline psychotic. Needs to be picked up or picked off.

  3. He can put "Lying Sack of S**t" and "Nutless Weasel" on his resume now. But always remember he's only an "actor".

  4. She not only gave him directions, but supplied him with the target.

  5. It's always somebody else's fault. Fuck that worthless has-been.

  6. Everything that comes out of Baldwin's and his attorney's mouths is a crock.

    I would imagine when it comes to jury selection his attorney will consider anyone familiar with firearms and/or firearm safety biased and not fit to serve. Only the clueless and star struck may sit on his jury of peers.

    I am not a lawyer, but I play one on Knuckledraggin my Life Away.

    1. Luckily his attorney's will only get a limited number of exemptions at the trial.

      What's really astounding is he's STILL walking around a free man. If that was you or me they'd be piping us light, not to mention would have had the U. S. Marshalls on our ass when we refused to turn over our phone FOR A MONTH in reply to a subpoena.

      ...and he goes right on doing gigs like nothing happened. Pure asshole.


  7. He can say whatever he likes but the fact remains that unless there's a settlement then this will go to trial. At that point its heard and a ruling is made. Bottom line, he should have had enough common sense to know how screwed up the whole situation was what with all of the safety complaints.

  8. Every time he opens his mouth in the media, I'm sure his lawyer team is pounding heads on desks in frustration...
    Ohio, everyone in the chain-of-custody of that handgun could have been popped with a negligent homicide charge.
    Any protests from Baldwin himself, upped to a reckless homicide, since he pulled the trigger.
    New Mexico law got nothing like that. Best I can find is 'involuntary manslaughter' Chapter 30. Criminal Offenses § 30-2-3
    "Involuntary manslaughter consists of the commission of a lawful act which might produce death...without due caution and circumspection".
    Fourth degree felony for NM.
    I can't find anything I could use to hang the other gun-handling crew members.
    So I'm wondering if that's the reason prosecution is dilly-dallying on charges.
    Also interesting - did you know it's a chargeable offense in NM to possess an undocumented pound of mercury? It's a fourth degree felony!

    1. No doubt about the mercury. It is a very dangerous element. The old name for mercury is quicksilver. We all know of the bad warnings about eating mercury contaminated fish.
      Most mercury that contaminates the air comes from coal fired power plants. More comes from smelting ores.
      It can cause about the same things that all other environmental poisons do. Organ damage, mental problems, fetal development difficulties,etc. Exposure to acute amounts, rather than chronic exposure, can cause these problems to hit really hard, and can be pretty devastating.
      I didn't realize that you had to document mercury, but it certainly makes sense. I would guess with either the EPA or some other similar agency.

    2. Doesn’t take much to get to a pound of mercury.

  9. He's guilty as sin, he knows he's guilty, but he wants to gaslight everyone else into thinking it's somehow not his fault.
    Alec Baldwin needs to be locked up in a cell for the next 10-20 years to reflect on his character.

  10. Gave him directions?

    So they have a recording of her saying, "Now Alec take the gun which is loaded with real bullets, point it at me and pull the trigger. And hurry please, we're losing the light."

  11. Is there anyone who visits this blog and actually thought for a nanosecond he wouldn't blame the victim?

  12. That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it pays off for him.

  13. No wonder Alec has done well in Hollywood. He fits right in with his sanctimonious condescension, his gaslighting, his playing the innocent victim when he is guilty party (okay, it was a whole mess of fuckups, but he's the guiltiest), and now his blaming the actual victim.

  14. What a poorly written article. Do no editors remain?


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