
Monday, March 14, 2022

And now from the CEO of the company that made millions from Covid:

To help fend off another wave of COVID-19, people will need a fourth dose of vaccine, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told CBS on Sunday. 

"Many variants are coming, and omicron was the first one that was able to evade — in a skillful way — the immune protection that we're giving," Bourla told CBS.


  1. Can you make a vaccine that will end the most danger disease we have going right now, democrats?

  2. After all of the adverse reaction news that's been in the press in the last week, this guy has some stones. If he was in Saudi Arabia, he'd have joined the 81 other miscreants that were executed last week.


  3. If the clot shot shit didn't work on the last variant, how will a 4th dose work on a fifth variant???

    And trying to "vax" people in the middle of a pandemic CREATES variants aka "vaccine leakage".

    Every person vaxed that gets sick and passes the wuflu on = passing on a strengthened virus aka variant.

    I can't think of what the "experts" have done right in any of this. They still ignore natural immunity.


  4. Those wicked lying evil scum.
    Steve in Ky

  5. that guy is asking for a bullet

  6. Bourla's on a list.

  7. Pfizer profited to the tune of 36 billion, not millions.


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