
Monday, March 14, 2022

Lawmakers call for 90-day freeze on TN gas tax

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Two House Democrats are calling upon Governor Bill Lee to put a 90-day freeze on gas taxes amid the rising price of oil in Tennessee. 

According to, Tuesday’s prices at the pump were up 55 cents compared to last week’s average in Tennessee.


Big deal. Our gas tax is 27.4 cents. It would make a big difference if gas was below 3 bucks a gallon, but when it's over 4 bucks, not so much.


  1. since when has any gov't clown asked to lower your taxes ? seems to me, they always want more
    money for something they say they need but never gets done. look at the road tax and then look at how fucked up the roads are they always have a reason why the money needs to go to some pet project or another instead of what it really for.

  2. The Politic-clown assholes are just scrambling to save their jobs. They could give a shit about the peasants.

  3. If your only paying $.274 a gal for taxes on your fuel it's a bargain state. There are states that are higher, Kailfukinornia for one, and I think Washington is ranked 4th highest. It's $.678 a gal here. Diesel at 5.39 here, but that was Sat, who knows what it is today, I can't afford to go to town even once a week for groceries , gonna have to reduce my laundry and groceries runs to once a month, if there are any groceries left. But the economy's just hummin along eh! Somebodys got into his dipshit kids stash of dumbass pills.

    1. California's carbon fee alone is almost as much as Tennessee's total taxes on a gallon. Then are the other taxes and fees on top of that. It's why gas here is $1.40 higher on average than it is in Tennessee.

  4. Here in MD, they are giving us a one month break on gas tax. That's $0.33/gallon here.

    This is wonderful news, because it means they can now blame their shoddy road maintenance on a lack of revenue.

    I tend to agree with bogsidebunny; Local dems are trying to take the more obvious sting out of the national dems' policies.


  5. Hell, I'd take it. Here in Pa. we have the 2nd or 3rd highest gas taxes in the country.

  6. Democrats asking for a tax freeze?

    Today's Sign of the Apocalypse.

  7. Seen Death Valley?

  8. Death Valley and just about anyplace in California east of the Sierra crest has always been outrageously expensive.

  9. Last week gas here(Olympic Peninsula) went from 4.02 to 4.72 overFUCKINGnight


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