
Wednesday, March 09, 2022




  1. I wonder what it's chambered in. 45.70 using smokeless powder would be nice.

  2. What's that telescope doin' in a gun range?
    Ohio Guy

  3. Add an electric motor. Y'all know I'm not the only deplorable thinking that.

  4. How would you like to charge that on horse back with pistol and saber in hand?

  5. Lovely. Plans readily available (if you're a machinist, have about a grand for parts, and a year or so of shop time). Adding a motor makes you eligible for 10-40 in the federal spa, but hand cranked it's totally legal. Caliber is probably 22LR, as that's the usual from the plans. Without a feed tube or drum, can't tell for sure. Nothing prevents a build for a larger caliber, but one would have to do some mods to what's published (a lot of mods). Rate of fire depends on how fast you can crank, but typically 5-7 barrels at 40-60 rpm, so a typical feed drum will empty in a few seconds; that is, easily 150+ rounds/minute. Fun toy, but for the effort involved one could mod the trigger group of a modern sporting rifle way more easily. Just sayin'.

  6. Would that be a great weapon to make your final stand with when they come for your guns, or what?

  7. In 9mm -

  8. Day dream fantasy: 5,000 rounds of .45-70 and a 500+ yard range with popup targets. Make a day of it. Sandwiches and sweet tea, too.

    1. I'd like to live in your dream world for an hour or however much ammo we could dream up.
      Ohio Guy

    2. Use an 1885 High Wall with vernier sight and make a week of it.

  9. Years ago I was at a resort in Western Massachusetts and the owner was a gun nut who demoed stuff for guests...I watched as he turned a 6' high by 8' wide cinder block wall into dust, in less than 30 seconds, using a .45-70 Gatling gun from 1870...freakin epic demo!

  10. Bet Gen Custer wished that he hadn't left his Gatling guns at the fort ....

    We have one of the 9mm versions that uses Glock mags for rent at the range, never seen it used. We also have one like the above on a carriage in the lobby for display. I personally like firing the select fire MP5 best, followed by the Thompson and the M249 SAW. Damned expensive given ammo prices theses days, but I have NEVER seen anyone walk away from firing any of our full auto guns without a big smile on their face!


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