
Friday, March 04, 2022

Chief Gall

Chief Gall was one of the most aggressive leaders of the Sioux nation in their last stand for freedom. 

The westward pressure of civilization during the past three centuries has been tremendous. When our hemisphere was “discovered”, it had been inhabited by the natives for untold ages, but it was held undiscovered because the original owners did not chart or advertise it. Yet some of them at least had developed ideals of life which included real liberty and equality to all men, and they did not recognize individual ownership in land or other property beyond actual necessity. It was a soul development leading to essential manhood. Under this system, they brought forth some striking characters.


  1. Strong men from a simpler time; less technology, and more community.


  2. Good read. Time well spent. Thanks.

  3. Nice story. Thanks. Nemo


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