
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Deterrence Works, Propaganda Fails in Ukraine (So Far)

Deterrence works. Russia’s nukes are the only thing keeping the US from full-out war in Ukraine only six months after retreating from Afghanistan. So far, the unprecedented propaganda effort by the Ukraine and its helpers in the American mass media to drag the US and NATO directly into the fight has failed. But this struggle — for your mind space — is not over.


  1. I posted this on Faceblock earlier:

    The propaganda from the war mongering deceit monsters in DC is spiking. Someone is either afraid of a discovery of some sort, or there is a deeply hidden agenda. Nothing is as it is being discussed and there is NO REASON for the US to be involved in the Russian matter, short of humanitarian aid.
    No there is not.
    Stay out of this and do not listen to the liars and thieves on television.
    No, we should NOT use Qatar as a proxy supply chain.

  2. Yah, enemedia and the U.S. three letter agencies, keep beating those drums for the incineration of the human race.

    Putin ain't bluffin'. He's got that Asian "can't loose face" syndrome.

    I don't, however, think he'll be using poison gas on the Ukrainians. Rooski artillery is doing a fine job on its own leveling the cities. The poison gas thing is the U.S. spooks trying every tactic to draw us in. It's Plan D in their "let's have another war" playbook when everything else isn't working. Nice of CONgress to revoke the " no propaganda on U.S. citizens" law under Obozo.


  3. I doubt nukes are doing much to keep the US from going in. Western voters don't want anyone going in. Often the French would send the foreign Legion to things like this, but many of those troops are as much a part of the French community now as natives.

    I don't want us in anymore than I wanted us in Iraq. But, I am all for sending the material help Ukraine needs to fight the Russians. They are willing to fight, and have performed admirably. The training they got from the west has made a lot of the difference as they aren't going in ignorant of how to fight, which is just as important as being willing to fight.

    Ukraine has become a Russian nightmare. The Ukrainians have pushed back the NW Russian thrust from Kyiv and has gone over to the offensive there as well. They are close to having a substantial part of Russian troops surrounded. The tide appears to be turning against the Russians. The Ukrainians have done an admirable job.

    Putin is now talking purges, and has fired and arrested the Chief Of The General Staff, Gerasimov. Shoigu, the Defense Minister, has not been seen in Public since 11 March. Putin has lost 5 general officers, and 10 field grade officers. The lack of an effective NCO Corps is also telling on the Russians.

    1. Good gawd man, how thick can ypu be?!?!?!
      Read those war updates on cnn? Facebook articles told you Putins losing?
      So they've been lying to you about everything for DECADES, but you're sure they are being unbiased and truthful here.

    2. Agreed 100% Quartermaster. No NCO, no maintenence of their vehicles or Chinese tires, no logistic planning besides planning to lay pipelines hundreds of km long, invading when the fields are muddy so they must stay on paved roads thereby setting themselves up for ambush, and thinking Ukrainians would love to see them instead of viewing them as invading Russian conscripts and mafia/thugs; same as there ever was! lol

  4. Poling shows that support for US military intervention is growing. We are not out of the woods yet.

  5. It is apparent that some of these commentators fully believe the Russian propaganda, Russian media, Russian government news, then when anyone questions them they go batshit crazy with cries of how thick can you be? No, we don't consult CNN or FB videos, we also don't believe the Russian propaganda which endlessly states how powerful the Russian army and air force used to be perceived and how poor old PUUtin is just defending himself against NATO aggression. Good Allah man, NO ONE in Europe wants to invade Russia even if antiquated PUUTin believes Germany/Nazi's are still wanting to invade his miserably poor in everything but oil and gas country. The vaunted Russian military has been proven to be so old school they don't maintain their tanks or BMP's or state of the art fighters and helicopters, lol, and rely on poorly trained conscripts. The Russian Generals and PUUTin were also so stupid as to invade when the fields are muddy, brilliant, and without consideration of the Ukrainian determination to defend their own motherland. Stupid, insane, idiotic Russian thugs.


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