
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

That's three, count 'em, three in a town of 6000 souls and 2 liberals

Dollar General Store is excited to announce its store at 928 Scottsville Road in Lafayette is now open! Normal hours of operation are Monday through Sunday 8 AM till 10 PM. 

Dollar General stores are proud to provide area residents with an affordable and convenient store location to purchase household essentials including food, cleaning supplies, paper products, over-the-counter medicines, hygiene products, baby items and more through its mission of Serving Others. In addition to the national and private branded products customers trust Dollar General to carry, the new Lafayette location includes the company’s new stylish, on-trend home decor and an expanded party preparation selection.


It went from being a muddy lot in town to fully stocked, open, and selling product in 3 weeks.

The same thing happened with the second one out of Hwy 52 near the telephone office. I went out and paid my bill one month and it was nothing but an empty field. That was maybe 3-4 months ago.
When I went out the very next month, there was an open Dollar General there. What the hell? Do they have Skycranes that come in and drop a completely constructed building on site or what?


  1. Possibly, I watched a Black Rock coffee stand being built from three or four pre-fab units.

  2. A buddy of mine used to have (maybe still does) the engineering design contract for all the Dollar General stores in several states. I did one site plan for him. They have extremely standard designs, and they don't mess around. I wouldn't be surprised it they had just one contractor on board who just builds all of them in a particular region. They're a very efficient organization.

  3. Dollar General is self-replicating.

  4. Type in Dollar store for crossville, TN. I think they are up to 8 now and several family dollar stores.

  5. As above, the stores are a kit. The contractors have built so many of them that their contract crews operate about the same way a custom harvesting crew can clear a crop in a day or so, move to the next farm, etc. The folks at the home office have all the land acquired/leased, permits prepared, palms greased.

  6. If it was a .gov project it would have taken 10 years and cost 20 Billion dollars.

  7. I like how they are slowly but surely eating Wal-Mart's lunch.

    1. Sure if you like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and one other huge investor KKR & Co. Inc

  8. I'm pretty sure if you stand in an empty lot and say "Dollar General" three times one just appears.

    1. Dollar Store, Dollar Store, Dollar...oh crap your right!

  9. Reminds me of one time I watched two construction crews on opposite sides of the street back in Illinois. On one side a University of Illinois union crew was building an 8 x 8 bicycle parking lot. There were 7 workers on that job. Across the street a non-union crew was building a 2 story new English building. They had 3 workers - one in the crane, one on the ground attaching girders to the crane, one on the second floor attaching the girders to one another.

  10. The new Dollar general locations here in WNC normally took about a month and half. Some site preop is required and unless that is minimal, it will take a week or so to get things done before the building can start. They still get things built quite quickly compared to other companies.

  11. The great thing about Dollar General is you don't have to get dressed up like when you go to WalMart.

    1. Oh good! I so hate having to dig out the slippers and fuzzy house coat every time I need beer.

  12. I don't know about these Dollar stores, but here in CA we see a lot of tilt-up slab construction and it's pretty amazing how fast they can put up a sizable structure.

  13. The Chinese built it and 99 more in that length of time.

  14. Around here if you see a Dollar General bag blowing around pick it up and put it in the burn barrel! Those things are seeds! Almost as bad as Thistle.


  15. Whoever came up with the idea to put Dollar Generals way out in the sticks was brilliant.
    They make money hand over fist, saving people the drive into town.

  16. And there is a brand new Dairy Queen out by the helicopter landing pad. I never saw it being built; just went into town and it was there. Don't know if it is open yet, but there wer quite a few vehicles out front.

    1. WHAT??? We've got a Dairy Queen too? They did sneak that in on us, didn't they?

    2. My thoughts exactly when we drove by and saw it. I asked the wife: Where did that come from? I had heard a rumor one was in the works, but I was surprised to see one.

  17. If you stand in a field, close your eyes and whisper “dollar general” three times, one will appear. Here in okeechobee(population about 5,000) we have 3 dollar generals,3-4 other dollar stores, 3 big super markets(including Walmart), Aldis and several other markets. Of course there isn’t hardly anything else for a good 20 miles around.


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