
Monday, March 21, 2022

Drilling Permits Spiked Under Biden Administration Before Dropping Significantly

After a massive rise in the number of drilling permits approved in 2021, the total number has plunged to some of the lowest levels ever in 2022, all on the watch of the Biden Administration.

Politico reports that after the previous high of 643 permits that were issued by the Department of Interior’s (DOI) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in April of 2021, just 95 permits were approved in January of this year. The sudden shift reflects the wildly different approaches taken by the Trump Administration and the Biden Administration when it comes to domestic energy production.


  1. I was talking to some oil rig people in Alaska. They were already mothballing equipment and laying off people last summer due their expectation that the Biden administration would not be friendly to oil exploitation.


  2. Not just oil. Mining exploration and permitting is taking a huge hit as well. All modern tech relies on mined materials.

  3. Biden admin friendly only to foreign oil production. Because American production would be good for the country and the economy! And we can’t have that, now can we?

  4. Theres a lease to permit the exploration for oil and minerals. Then there is a drilling permit issued as a separate permit to actually drill/dig for minerals found. EPA and other agencies have control over the second, and they take 2-3 years to process. Funny how all democrat press and politicians seem to conflate the 2. if you cant complete a project before an election can potentially rob you of your entire investment, then the answer is no thank you! And it doesnt matter how many times some gov hack gets in front of a camera and bleats about whats good for so so or this and that, it isnt going to change anytime soon.


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