
Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Gas prices set a record

According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), gas prices in Tennessee – and in other states around the country – have increased by a stunning amount in the past month alone. 

In Tennessee, the number is 54 cents per gallon.


Prices at the pump have climbed 23 cents nationwide over the course of the week despite efforts by several governments to quell the rise in oil.

Friday's prices, up 11 cents from Thursday, marked the single largest day increase, since 2016, according to AAA data. 


I went into town the other day and saw a 9 cent increase from the day before. Holy shit.
After returning home, I realized I had forgotten to pick up a prescription for Lisa, so I did a few things around here, then headed back into town about 5 hours later to pick that up.
In that 5 hour period, gas had gone up another 26 cents. FIVE hours.....


  1. I've watched it come up to $4.299, and I'm pretty sure it's not going to be stopping anytime soon. They increase the price every other day, it seems. At this rate, we're going to have people trying to decide whether to pay rent, or buy food, the price will follow fuel costs. Almost double the cost to fill my semi from less than 2 yrs ago. Orchestrated chaos. Thanks to the string pullers above dementia addled pedophile joe. Ladies and gentlemen, the range is about to go hot.

  2. Gassed up my diesel pickup yesterday for $4.60 per gallon. Today diesel is $5.15 a gallon. I live in Texas. FJB


    1. Make more money.

    2. Sounds like something an asshole named Joe would say.
      Or peter-eater buttigieg.

  3. Price history over the last month at the cheapest place in my hometown, an Arco station.
    It had been at $4.47 for quite a while, then it went like this in rapid succession-
    $4.49, $4.54, $4.59, $4.99, $5.29 and now it's at $5.49.

    Their price on diesel is now $6.09, while a Chevron across town is at $6.39.

    Meanwhile, the Saudis and the UAE aren't taking calls from Brandon, demonstrating the new-found respect foreign leaders have for America under his leadership.

    1. When I saw the story the other day about the Saudi's not taking Buydum's phone call I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


  4. I paid $3.65 last Thursday for Mobil regular. Today, according to Gas Buddy, $4.29 at the same station. Local prices are $3.98 for a no name brand to $4.45 at Citgo with $4.29 about the middle of the range. I live in central New England.


  5. The commie leftists in power have never kept their hatred of fossil fuels....for us peons....a secret. They want us to pay more for gas than they do in Europe....which has historically always paid 3 to 4 times what we have paid. Their goal is the total end of privately owned ICE vehicles. The simplest way to accomplish that's to make the fuel unaffordable then unobtainable. And as !ong as they hold power there is nobody that can stop them. At least not legally or peacefully. TINVOWOOT

    1. There is another side to it, a 'benefit' (if you are an America hating commie).

      That is by making traditional means so expensive and problematic, then does alternative means become competitve.

      Ex: so what if 'green' energy cost a billion trillion, it is competitive when petro-based energy now costs at least that same amount.

      But wait, there's more!
      With effective propaganda, the increase in petro-based energy doesn't have to increase that much, propaganda will bridge the gap. Already we have seen the first salvo of the reshaping as when the increased prices of energy, textiles, food, etc is blamed on Russia.

    2. No, the real problem is, we don't really know who 'THEY' are. We bitch about Biden and Trudeau, but someone is holding their leash. I personally doubt Soros and Schwab are the top of the pyramid, either, simply because we KNOW who they are. And there's a gazillion wannabe 1%er minions, knowable, but disposable and easily replaced. Money and the root of evil, and all that.

      Read Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Even Perkins wasn't sure who he >really< worked for...

    3. Gas vehicles allow us peons to go where we want when we want. The left hates that. EVs have limited range and long charge times. Adequate for commuting to work but not for long distance travel. Going to work is ok....all other travel is to be discouraged....than banned. It's all about control. The holy grail of all leftists.

  6. 3.56 on Monday
    3.89 yesterday

    I am in deep South Louisiana where a lot of oil comes from, or used to.
    Gas prices hurt people but the not-a-vax is killing people.

  7. Thousands of Government employees in thousands of Government vehicles pay $0.00 for fuel, we pay the bill. Who in out Government cares?

  8. Here in Corupt-a-cut, regular gas was $3.99 Wednesday of last week and $4.35 on the following Sunday. I'm almost afraid to see what it is today.

    Thanks Lib-Tard "voters".

  9. $0.65 per gallon since sunday night in Phoenix.

  10. Dan is quite correct. I don't know if he is old enough to remember the '70's but gas became close to 'unobtainable' then. Long lines to fuel your car, not "Fill-Up" your car because TPTB decreed that no one could get more than ten gallons at a time some days.

    I remember. And that's why I voted for President Trump, and elected him. Only to see his re-election stolen and the craven cowards in Congress that all begged for our votes and our money turn their backs on him and on us. Damn near every congresscritter in DC should be hung by the neck.
    And every Jan 6th political prisoner freed, and given a generous pension for life.

    1. Yeah....I remember. I bought my first car in 73. A big Olds with a 427 big block. Cost a fortune to fill up when you were making a buck sixty an hour.

    2. Yeh, I remember getting up at zero dark thirty to go wait in line, freezing in February because I didn't want to run the car for heat and waste what precious little I had left in the tank, for the gas station to open so that I could get 8 gallons.


  11. Last week, Kroger's in East Shelby County, TN was $3.569 for regular. Today it was $4.199.

    Fuck Joe Biden and anyone that voted for him.

    1. Fuck you. This is still a free country.

    2. Anon, I'm seconding rickn8or. Anybody that voted for Biden is partly responsible for the mandates, lockdowns, restrictions, and shutting down pipelines. That shit never would've happened if YOU hadn't help vote him in.
      Fuck Joe Biden and fuck YOU too.

    3. That's why he posted anonymously. Fucker probably voted more than once too.

    4. It is always fun to come here for the bitching and moaning. Grow a pair and a spine while you are at it.

    5. I've got a better idea, Anon. Why don't you go over to Grindr or one of those other gay sites where you'll be with your own kind?

  12. Lets go Brandon!

  13. Last week, gas jumped .14 in one day. I haven't looked since Saturday.

    I got a text that cheapest gas in SoCal is $5.59 as of today. Its been going up as much as .20 per day.

    I say we hold a membership drive for the .308 club. I can think of many who would be a perfect fit.


  14. I read in a rig report that Texas had 180 something rigs drilling oil wells in the state when Biden took office, and that number is almost 300 now. Give us a year, and we Texans will put us all back into energy independence - in spite of that commy bastard ending fracking. And drilling in Anwar. And....

  15. here in north suburban Chicago, gas was $4.45 a gallon on Sunday.

    On Tuesday, it was $4.89. 44 cents in two days.


  16. None cheaper than $5.15 here in the Inland Empire. Prices are changing intra-day. Ch 5 did a stand-up in Bev Hills last night and regular at this station was $7.99 I shit you not! And the talking heads are warning it could get to $10. There goes the economy and here comes a civil war.

  17. I track a daily report for off road farm diesel. Yesterday it jumped 72 cents to 4.97 from the day before. The first 2 days of the invasion it actually went lower before stepping upward.
    Road Diesel 5.19 in the PNW.

    1. Today it DROPPED 85 cents to 4.12. Go figure.
      Or somebody is going to post a correction real quick when they sobber up!

  18. Oregon Coast, $4.67. Gas station guy says $5 by the weekend.

  19. Last Thanksgiving I took a trip to the KC area to visit my son and paid less for gas in WNC than I did in East Tenn. That was bass ackward from the normal prices.

  20. Might pay to stock up FAST guys.
    Something BIG is about to hit.
    Can't name the source but if I did you'd believe it.

  21. Here in MT we went from $2.069 ON PRESIDENT Trump's last day in office to $3.449 until a few days ago to $3.999 today.


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