
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Germany agrees gas deal with Qatar to help end dependency on Russia

Germany has agreed a contract with Qatar for the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) that will help the European country wean itself off its dependency on Russian energy. 

But the contract is a long-term solution and will do little to slow the current flow of European money into Russian coffers, estimated to be worth $285m (£217m) a day for oil alone.


  1. Of course they don't say that it'll have to be carried by tanker making it far more expensive. They do mention the other "small" difficulty. Germany has no LNG terminals. Not a single one....

  2. And what's the energy penalty for compressing it to a liquid, before re-gassifying(is that a word?) before end use?

  3. I thought the attempt to depose Assad was exactly for this purpose. So Saudi Arabia and Qatar can have a direct gas pipeline to Europe via Turkey?

    That gas is going to be expensive by the time it gets to end users.

  4. "Green party leader in the German coalition government, has faced sharp criticism in recent weeks for refusing to accept a complete energy embargo on Russia"

    So, someone in the EU FINALLY woke up to dealing with Russia for energy supplies may not have been the best long term strategy.

    They all thought that Putin would somehow become a good guy because the EU was dependent upon him being a good neighbor and keep the energy flowing. Can they be any fookin' dumber?

    Since Putin came to power twenty odd years ago, he has continuously said his life goal was restore the Soviet Empire.

    The EU thought he was kidding.



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