
Friday, March 25, 2022

IEA Urges Emergency Measures to Cut Oil Demand Due to Ukraine War

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has issued a new emergency plan on how nations might use less oil amid the supply shortage caused by the war in Ukraine. Their new 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use looks to lower the demand for oil by 2.7 million barrels per day within four months. The United States is among the IEA’s 31 member countries.

“As a result of Russia’s appalling aggression against Ukraine, the world may well be facing its biggest oil supply shock in decades, with huge implications for our economies and societies,” said IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol.

The new 10-Point Plan comes on the heels of their 2021 report that offered certain “behavioral changes” the world should embrace in order to help reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2050.

“COVID 2.0 has arrived?! The 2022 International Energy Agency’s (IEA) report sounds an awful lot like an energy version of COVID lockdowns,” said Climate Depot’s Marc Morano.


  1. Wanna bet they say we need to charge more for gas to cut consumption?

  2. Reminds me when I was in Texas in '78 when this song came out:

  3. Everybody ready for 55mph limits nationwide again?

  4. I really like the drive every other day suggestion! Easy to tell the folks coming up with these brilliant ideas are not living in the same world as most of us.

  5. Wanna bet they say we all need to buy Teslas?

    Oh, and 220 volt service in every home.

    Oh, and recharging stations in every former gas station.

    Oh, and a 200% expansion in our electrical grid.

    Oh, and a 200% expansion in generating power.

    Oh, and a shitload of coal to power them.

    Morons. Morons EVERYWHERE.


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