
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Inside Ukraine’s army of misfits, veterans, and war tourists in the fight against Russia

LVIV, Ukraine — “Jesus, what a fucked up country,” John said in exasperation at the vagaries of the Polish rail system. John was one of the latest recruits for Ukrainian President Zelensky’s Foreign Legion, bound for the Ukrainian city of Lviv where his recruiter had told him to report. A rail-thin, 20-something from Mobile, Alabama, John had tried the U.S. Army but left halfway through his enlistment due to “medical problems,” he told me. I wondered if his medical problems had resolved sufficiently for him to be fighting the Russians but said nothing. Sporting woodland camouflage, a scraggly goatee, and thick glasses of the style made famous by Jeffrey Dahmer, John seemed to me to be an unlikely candidate. He soon confirmed that impression. 

“I wanted to fight, see,” he explained, “But my mom said that I wouldn’t be any good at that. So I figured, they are going to need someone to show them the way.”


  1. Sounds like John's MOS is gonna be sandbag.

  2. Culling of recruits is nothing new in combat. In WWI, some British troops were put in battle having never before held a rifle. I think the thing that's important is that most people in the military are not at the tip of the spear. If you can use the recruit for support work to free up a better trained person, it would be a plus. You don't have to be a combat expert to dig in concrete ruins looking for survivors after a missile attack.

    Here's an interesting take on this from someone who (claims to have) served in Kosovo:

  3. Michael in nowherelandMarch 23, 2022 at 12:36 PM

    Wow, there are some serious mouth breathers out there.

  4. I bet you these video game warriors are bringing their own keyboards and game controllers?

  5. Nothing like volunteering to be a target when the U.S. military rejects you for service.

    They're shooting real bullets over there dumbass. Go back home to Mommy before you're screaming for her with your dieing breath.


  6. Need a positive way to thin the herd. 200 years ago, most of them would be eaten by wild animals.

  7. These kids are in for a really hard lesson that most will be fortunate to survive .This isn't Call of Duty and it's not Moms basement either , no respawn no extra health and unlimited ammo cheats, its for real and these guys in charge are playing for keeps .

  8. Search: greek city 'U S Volunteer Fighter: "Stop Coming to Ukraine, It's a Trap and They're Not Letting You Leave"

  9. Many with combat experience will have a hard time there as recent US wars are of a completely different character than that in Ukraine. Accepting a REMF, or someone completely without military experience is a waste of time and resources. Making the mistakes they have is often th result of the political leadership imposing something without proper advice and consent from the military.


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