
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

When you're too stupid to read simple directions...

The Food and Drug Administration is alerting Americans to the potential dangers of at-home COVID-19 tests after receiving reports of people egregiously misusing them, resulting in injuries. 

In a safety communication released Friday, the FDA said it had received reports of injuries after people used the kits' liquid test solution as eye drops or stuck the solution up their noses. "The liquid test solution is not supposed to touch your body," the FDA wrote sternly. The agency also reported that some children had been injured after putting test components in their mouths and swallowing the solution.


  1. Bwhaaa!! I knew when they started shipping these things & El Stupido Americano tried to use them they'd hurt themselves. I bet the manufacturers have liability protection, too!!

  2. All that effort to find out if you have a cold.
    People need to get a LIFE.

  3. Has anybody replicated the tests of pawpaw and goat, like the late President of Tanzania? Don't tell anyone if they show positive, it could be fatal.

  4. Yeah we lost a few.
    But only the weak ones.

  5. Back in the day the car owner’s manual showed you how to adjust the valves. Now it warns you not to drink the contents of the battery.

  6. So more people have been injured than by the "fish tank cleaner" supposedly touted by President Trump?

  7. Imagine a viral pAnDeMiC where you have to take a test to see if you have it 🙄

    Also, if this were a pAnDeMiC, wouldn't vaccines be traded on the black market instead of fake vax cards? 😳

    Jus sayin



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